Program areas at Discovery Institute
The center for science and culture promotes research, education, and discussion relating to the scientific theory of intelligent design. The center's activities include the sponsorship of scientific research and writing; the production of books, articles, reports, and curricula; the organizing of seminars and conferences; and the development and operation of educational websites, podcasts, and videos.
The ai program (walter bradley center for natural and artificial intelligence at Discovery Institute) explores the benefits as well as the challenges raised by artificial intelligence (ai) in light of the enduring truth of human exceptionalism. People know at a fundamental level that they are not machines. But faulty thinking can cause people to assent to views that in their heart of hearts they know to be untrue. The bradley center seeks to help individuals - and our society at large - to realize that we are not machines while at the same time helping to put machines (especially computers and ai) in proper perspective.
The center on wealth and poverty connects the practical truths of economics with the perennial truths of ethics. The program - home to leading scholars in philosophy and economics - is building sustained and accessible defense of free enterprise, entrepreneurship, and stewardship in the moral categories consonant with most americans.
Other programs include: the chapman center for citizen leadership is a training program for young professionals interested in a career in public and/or community service. The center enables young leaders to consider the foundational ideas of leadership in a free society by connecting them with mentors and fellow young leaders through seminars, lectures, and fellowship programs. The technology and democracy project examines how new technologies are transforming business, education, defense, and government and proposes how society can get the most benefit (and least harm) from these developments. The cascadia center program promotes regional cooperation as the key to ensuring mobility, economic growth and a healthy environment in the pacific northwest. The center on human exceptionalism examines a constellation of issues such as assisted suicide and euthanasia, embryonic stem cell research, human genetic manipulation, human cloning, and animal rights issues. The religion, liberty, and civic life program examines the proper role of religion in a free society. The american center for transforming education works with state legislators, policymakers, and parents to promote systemic change to our nation's education system, with an emphasis on parental choice, improved teacher quality, and better governance structures.