Program areas at Diversity Awareness Partnership
EXPLORE: EXPLORE focuses on connecting students of color to professional mentors in the business community here in St. Louis, and strengthening the high school-to-career diversity pipeline critical to supporting an equitable and inclusive workforce in our region.
Diversity and Inclusion Training: delivered through presentations, workshops, seminars, community forums, and round-table discussions these events and offerings raise awareness around the importance of diversity and inclusion among participants by exposing challenges, facilitating dialogue, and providing tangible tools and resources needed to create a more inclusive organization.
Give Respect, Get Respect: a free five-session anti-bias program that takes place throughout a typical academic calendar year. The program connects middle and high school students, school administrators, and associates from local businesses in an effort to address diversity and encourage respect and acceptance among peers/co-workers. Each session is designed with a specific focus on developing deeper understanding and dialogue around race, religion, sexual orientation, gender, and ability.
Listen, Talk , Learn/Dialogue For Change/Climate Assessment - foster vulnerable, growth-minded dialogue about race and racial justice by creating space for all voices and facilitating conversations that many are not accustomed to having.