Program areas at Doctors For America
Food and drug administration (fda) task force: Doctors for americas fda task force educates, mobilizes, and empowers a multispecialty group of dfa medical trainees and clinicians to provide unbiased expertise in evaluating and responding to the fda regulatory process in a way that maximizes meaningful clinical outcomes for our patients. We strive to support & strengthen an fda that puts patients first. Dfas work this year focused on post market surveillance, clinical trial diversity, and the safety & efficacy of the abortion drug, mifepristone. Fda task force members shared their expertise providing education for members of congress and centers for medicare and medicaid (cms) staff on the importance of critical reforms that would protect patients and the need for a strong and independent fda.
Reproductive rights: dfa believes that equitable affordable access to reproductive rights is not only part of basic, necessary healthcare, but a human right. Dfa advocates provided extensive education on the necessity of having full access to reproductive rights for all patients. Our advocates shared stories and evidence-based data on the impact that the lack of access to abortion care, miscarriage care, and birth control has on patients.
Medicaid expansion: medicaid expansion can improve access to primary & preventative care, which can help prevent premature deaths and reduce catastrophic medical costs. In 2023, dfas efforts helped to educate the public and policymakers on the impact that expansion has on health outcomes for children, older adults, and people with disabilities. Dfa provided in-person and virtual training for Doctors, medical trainees, & health advocates on how to educate legislators, consumer groups, the public & other stakeholders on the importance that access to health care has on marginalized communities, specifically in communities of color. The training helps participants draw connections between health and the economic, educational, public safety, environmental, & infrastructure policies our society has in place.
Other dfa programs: dfas organizational focus is on access to affordable care, community health & prevention, and health justice & equity. Other program work in those areas included advocacy on affordable drugs, building vaccine trust and combatting misinformation, as well as work on gun violence prevention, gender- affirming care, substance use disorder, trauma-informed care, & work on addressing the crisis & health care challenges that individuals face at our borders.