Program areas at Dogs2DogTags
Dogs2dogtags utilizes a multitiered approach to encompass the emotional, psychological, social, and financial well-being of veterans in our program. The positive mental health and wellness effects reported by veterans who participated in our program include the following: reduced anxiety and depression, restored trust and confidence, strengthened family relationships, increased exercise by walking with their dog and having a reason to live. Investing in veteran wellness - in september 2023 we broke ground to expand our existing dog training facility, making a significant investment to help improve the quality of life for veterans long into the future. By adding 12 on-site dog kennels, we will have the ability to increase the number of dogs we can house and train on premises by 50%. By adding insulation, heat, and air conditioning to our dog training facility, we will have the capability to train veterans and their dogs year-round. The expansion also includes a veterinary room, two bathrooms, a kitchen area, office and storage areas. The project is to be completed in june 2024. Dog placement and dog training - despite construction and lack of space, we placed three dogs with veterans in 2023, bringing our total dogs placed since inception to 35. Our expenses to board and care for dogs to be placed with veterans were 18,000. Once a dog is placed with a veteran, Dogs2dogtags provides free dog supplies, dog food, veterinary care, and flea, tick, and heartworm medication for one full year following dog placement (longer if financially necessary). Removing this financial burden allows veterans to focus on training and bonding with their canine companion, ensuring a successful placement. Our cost to provide this smooth transition in 2023 was 7,900. Dogs2dogtags provides free dog training and classes to veterans for the life of the dog. We also provide free dog training to veterans who already have a dog and wish to pass the service dog public access test. Our total expenses for veteran dog training in 2023 were 93,000. Dog training classes provide social, emotional, and psychological healing through camaraderie, support, and shared expenses with their veteran peers. Laika's fund - we created this grant program in 2022 to help veterans at risk of losing their own special companion due to financial difficulties. During 2023, we provided 13,019 in financial assistance to help veterans with veterinary care, dog food, and dog supplies. This was a 2,000 increase from 2022. Veteran outreach - connecting with veterans through resource events like the 2023 racine county veterans stand down and collaborating with veteran service organizations is key to helping all veterans improve their quality of life. We continue to work closely with the sheboygan county veterans services office and support the sheboygan area veterans treatment court with a service dog as needed to reduce anxiety and ptsd symptoms for veterans in attendance.