Program areas at Donors Forum
Fresh taste is a sponsored project of Forefront. It is a staffed funder initiative formed in 2002 by a group of illinois-based foundations and chicago city officials interested in changing how food is produced for, and processed and consumed in the chicago region.
Chicago african americans in philanthropy (caaip) is a membership organization committed to achieving racial equity in philanthropy by advocating for investments in black communities and expanding black leadership opportunities in the social sector. By challenging the current assumptions, practices, and policies that inhibit restoration, growth, and prosperity within our communities, we are developing strategies that influence how philanthropic resources are allocated and advancing the work of racial equity in our sector. Caaip fosters community among black people in chicago and across the midwest by serving as a communal space for learning and development. By increasing the visibility of black leaders in philanthropy, advancing racial equity and building a cohesive and vital community, caaip aims to redirect philanthropic resources and decision-making to black communities.
Forefront leverages the collective power of philanthropy and nonprofits to improve lives and strengthen communities. Founded in 1974, Forefront is the only membership association in Illinois for funders and nonprofits of all kinds, as well as their advisors and consultants. Some 1,100 individuals and institutions belong to Forefront, and thousands more benefit from its resources, some of which are free. Forefront is based in chicago but serves the entire state. It is a hub for connection and collaboration as well as a source of research, programs, publications, and other tools, including a free library, that strengthen the effectiveness of philanthropy and nonprofits. Through public policy advocacy and media relations, Forefront also serves as a leader and voice for philanthropy and nonprofits, protecting and promoting their critical missions and work.
Converge consulting, entrepreneurship development leadership institute (edli), public policy, Illinois black advocacy initiative (ibai), other fiscal sponsorships