Program areas at Donors Trust
DAF Program: A Donor Advised Fund (DAF) program allowing DAF contributors to advise grants that support charities which alleviate, through education, research and private initiatives, society's most pervasive and radical needs, including those relating to social welfare, health, environment, economics, governance, foreign relations and arts and culture; and which encourage private philanthropy and individual giving and responsibility as an answer to society's needs, as opposed to governmental involvement.
Grants to Foreign NGOs: Donors Trust initiated a program to make grants to foreign NGOs for which Donors Trust receives an equivalency determination that finds had the foreign organization been (1) a U.S. based organization and (2) applied for tax-exempt status the NGO would have received recognition as a 501(c)(3) publicly supported charity.
Fiscal Sponsorship Program: Donors Trust serves as an incubator for organizations with missions that align with that of Donors Trust and that are in the process of applying for tax-exempt status, thereby allowing these start-up organizations a chance to begin operations while waiting for formal recognition of their non-profit status.
Board of Director Grants: The board of directors make annual grants from the board's discretionary funds to organizations that fall within DonorsTrust's mission.
Health Policy Research: The Galen Institute at Donors project was created in 2022 for the purpose of advancing market-based health policy.