Program areas at Door County Economic Development Corporation
Workforce Development - business advancement and advocacy - dcedc provides programs, initiatives, and services that support the success of all businesses in Door County, regardless of size or sector. Highlights from 2023 include: 1) connected state Economic Development leaders to businesses and organizations in Door County, creating an understanding of successes and challenges, 2) facilitated high school job fair for 43 businesses to address 555 students regarding job and youth apprenticeship opportunities, 2) engaged students from 5 high schools in manufacturing month by facilitating tours in 12 Door County manufacturing facilities, 3) promoted Door County's new cnc machining program to increase awareness and attract student and business interest, 4) partnered with educators and administrators to encourage youth participation in workforce programs and business participation in student engagement, 5) coordinated biennial legislative days event, resulting in 64 student and adult participants meeting with 91 legislative offices on 6 state level issues with vital impact to Door County (including childcare, youth apprenticeship programs and water quality initiatives), 6) assisted property owners seeking tenants for retail and commercial opportunities and matching entrepreneurs with vacant spaces.entrepreneurial growth - dcedc encourages the Development, growth and sustainability of entrepreneurial endeavors in Door County through the creation of a robust entrepreneurial ecosystem. Highlights from 2023 include: 1) coordinated entrepreneurial training program with uw-gb small business Development center, graduating 10 participants, 2) provided individual assistance to more than 50 entrepreneurs, including site-selection, financing, business plan consultation and assistance with regulatory agencies, 3) guided five entrepreneurs toward developing business pitches for lighthouse launch contest, 4) administered more than $500,000 in financial assistance to new and expanding businesses.communications and engagement - dcedc provides effective communications to partners in Door County and engages them in all programs and messaging to external audiences to attain success collaboratively. Highlights from 2023 include: 1) facilitated more than 50 earned media opportunities for dcedc and Door County businesses, including broadcasts, articles and podcasts with Door County and northeast Wisconsin news outlets, 2) created opportunity for youth apprentice in marketing and communications at dcedc to promote Door County business opportunities and youth engagement, 3) created original video series promoting existing and new businesses and expansion projects, 4) increased awareness of Door County business successes and the advantages of doing business in Door County though digital and social media by 40% over previous reach.sustainable living - dcedc focuses on factors effecting the livability of Door County for all socioeconomic groups and / or which are impacting business growth and prosperity. Highlights from 2023 include: 1) promoted Door County to residential and commercial developers through digital and print marketing, and earned media, 2) coordinated developer tour, which hosted 16 local and national developers to promote Development sites in sturgeon bay, 3) partnered with municipal leaders to encourage opportunities for housing and commercial Development opportunities, 4) supported efforts to expand broadband accessibility to all throughout Door County.
Entrepreneurial and small business services - Door County, and the midwest in general, is a hotspot for entrepreneurial activity. Dcedc provides services for entrepreneurs including business plan Development, financing through revolving loan funds, and location selection advice. Dcedc also provides opportunities for local entrepreneurs and small businesses to meet and learn from the successes of others. Through its marketing and communications programs, dcedc promotes Door County entrepreneurs and small business owners and their successes in Door County.
Business attraction, retention and expansion - dcedc works to retain current businesses across all industries in Door County and assists them toward expansion opportunities. These services include education and facilitation regarding export opportunities, providing labor data and projections toward making business decisions and providing site selection services for expansion opportunities. Dcedc also works with Door County communities and property owners to attract new businesses to locations throughout Door County, including spaces intended for retail, commercial and industrial users. Dcedc markets available sites, works with the city of sturgeon bay to promote location opportunities in the city's industrial park, and promotes the area for new business locations throughout the County.