Program areas at Doorways of Northwest Florida
Emergency solutions program - program goals are to reduce homelessness through the provision of emergency shelters, street outreach, and rapid rehousing services.
Homeless prevention program - provides rapid rehousing for Homeless or precariously housed individuals through case management which can include budgeting, job training, childcare, etc., the grant allows payments for rental deposit payments, ongoing step-down rental or mortgage payments. Overall goals of the program are to reduce homelessness.
Coalition staffing program - provides funding for operations of the Homeless Coalition (Doorways) for the goal of improving the overall quality of life for Homeless individuals and/or families through coordination with community agencies and development of a coc plan.
Continuum of care: provides both a hmis grant and a planning grant to Doorways. The hmis grant related to the use of, licensing and maintenance of the Homeless management information system (hmis) and for staff time. The planning grant allows us to attend community meetings to plan for coordinated entry expansion, raise awareness of our programs, assist with prioritized referrals through the six-county area of nwfl with a goal of improving referral systems. Disaster services program: to assist communities as they respond to and recover during times of emergency or disaster. Fund allocated to rent, utilities, deposits in bay, calhoun, gulf, holmes, jackson and Washington counties. Homeless prevention assitance program (tanf): prevents homelessness through case management and past due rental and/or electric payments for households meeting income eligibility and who have a minor child in the household.