Program areas at Douglass Community Services
Head start programs - provides education and child development Services for low-income children ages 0-5 and prenatal women. Adult family members are assisted in setting personal, educational and family financial goals, and working toward meeting those goals. These Services were provided to 528 children and 554 adult family members. These Services were provided 9 months for part-year children, 12 months for full-year children and 12 months of family goal setting.
Foster grandparent progrm - the foster grandparent program's volunteers share their experiences, abilities and skills for the betterment of the Community by serving children, youth and adult clients at different sites throughout our area. Volunteers are assigned specific children, youth or clients and focus on individual needs determined by the site supervisor or educator. Personal rewards are tremendous with volunteers receiving back more than they give. The program had 19 volunteers during 2023.
U.s. department of agriculture child and adult nutrition program - the program provides reimbursement for meals served to deprived and handicapped children participating in the agency's head start program. Reimbursement is based on the type of meal served and the income classification of the child. The program served 26,965 breakfasts, 29,285 lunches and 26,903 snacks to children ages 0-5.
Other consist of kids in motion, coi, and casa programs.