Program areas at Dream Builders 4 Equity
Real Estate Program- DB4E actively addresses the vacant home and building epidemic in North City by rehabilitating and reimagining previously vacant properties. This initiative expands economic opportunities for minority contractors, fosters community business growth, and establishes sustained long-term momentum and investment in Hyde Park. Currently, DB4E is revitalizing four dilapidated properties in the Hyde Park neighborhood, contributing directly to the ongoing renewal of the St. Louis community while involving youth ages 16-24 in the rehabilitation process. As part of our commitment to the community, DB4E has completed seven free home repairs for seniors in the Hyde neighborhood and undertaken four community projects. Additionally, the Dream Builders team and youth played a crucial role in restoring the Hyde Park community after a major storm, clearing numerous fallen trees and debris. The DB4E youth dedicated 352 hours to neighborhood beautification and community cleanup efforts.
HOV House of Vision (HOV) is a vibrant community store that highlights locally made clothing, art, books, and other products created by youth and community members. As a catalyst for successful entrepreneurship, HOV removes barriers and risks, providing a safe training ground for our youth and local residents. HOV plays a crucial role in our comprehensive strategy for transforming North St. Louis City. We recognize that building a prosperous community involves more than just rehabilitating homes; it also requires essential services such as retail stores, grocery stores, childcare facilities, and more. By actively contributing to these needs, HOV encourages businesses to return to the area or establish themselves here. In addition to serving as a community store, HOV operates a print and embroidery shop for external businesses, employing our youth as staff members. This integrated model reflects our commitment to nurturing talent, fostering entrepreneurship, and promoting equity within the community. To date, House of Vision has supported 22 local entrepreneurs, providing them with a platform to showcase their products and generate revenue for their small businesses.
The Summer Build Academy is an eight-week program at the heart of DB4E's youth-driven community transformation. It equips participants aged 16-24 with essential tools, resources, and support, enabling them to thrive and lead in various aspects of life. Throughout the summer, participants engage in community development projects and reflect on their experiences in journals. Their writings are published in a book, with proceeds directly benefiting the youth. After completing the academy, participants are paired with mentors and have opportunities to earn money through property rehabilitation and teaching chess. They also take part in monthly events and have access to free therapy. In 2023, a total of 46 young people completed the Summer Build Academy, collectively investing 9,247 hours in transforming themselves and the Hyde Park community. Graduates from this program serve as chess coaches through our Black Squares Chess initiative, now active in six schools in partnership with Soul Fishers Ministry, where they teach chess to children from kindergarten to eighth grade. Remarkably, 96% of our program participants have achieved significant outcomes, including gainful employment, high school graduation, college enrollment, and successful college graduation, with many currently on track to graduate from high school.