Program areas at Dream Centers
Dream Centers - women's clinic the women's clinic provides free women's health, behavioral health, and and other wrap-around services for uninsured and under-insured women age 13-64. Our approach to healthcare is wholistic - supporting physical health, mental well-being, and spiritual strength. The clinic provides preventive care, ultrasounds, pregnancy resources, chiropractic care, nutrition counseling, professional counseling, prayer and resource advocacy. During 2023, the clinic provided 4,194 appointments, and 71 volunteers served 6,896 hours.
Dream Centers - mary's home mary's home is a relationship-based program offering high-challenge and supportive trauma informed services to single-mother led families exiting homelessness. The first 3-6 months are focused on trauma-informed restoration, skills training, studies & career prep. Families stay residents for 1-5 years, following our program to gain the physical, mental, and financial health to meet the Colorado self-sufficiency standard. In 2023, mary's home served 22 single-mothers, their 28 children, and 253 volunteers served 3,132 hours.