Program areas at Dress for Success Billings
Dress for Success Billings, Inc. is located in yellowstone county and serves a population just under 150,000 people, of which approximately 51.1% are women. Per the us census, during the period from 2006-2010, 11.2% of the county was considered below the federal poverty level. In the 2022 year, Dress for Success, Inc. Served 322 women with first interview suitings, second employment suitings, employment visits. During a suiting, each women is treated with dignity and respect while provided clothing, shoes, purse, make-up, hair-care assistance, and jewely appropriate for a job interview or day on the job. In addition, women are also provided with a coat, casual clothing, and an outfit for her children if needed.
Dress for Success Billings, Inc. Depends on donations from the community and other organizations to provide clothing and accessories to women, as well as volunteering to work at the store, answer phones, prepare clothing, and serve as a one-on-one personal shopper to assist each women in selecting clothing and providing support and encouragement.
The training center provides as needed workforce development and education to prepare clients for financial sustainability. They provide monthly financial education classes to help them budget and create financial long term goals. The women who attend the career center also come in for interview and employment suitings.