Program areas at Dressage 4 Kids
Horse management and mentoring training program - the organization receives donated horses. The donated horses are then used by Dressage participants for a nominal monthly fee. The participants are chosen by the president of the organization based upon financial need. The participant in turn cares for the horse, paying all care, feed and insurance costs. The participant learns how to care for the horse and competes with the horse in the organizations events as well as shows organized by national and international organizations.
Dressage4kids, Inc. is very proud to offer the training, education and mentoring program for dedicated, determined young Dressage riders ages 25 and under of all levels. The goal of the program is to find, to help to educate, and to develop talented youth to become the international riders and trainers of the future. The program organizes clinics in various parts of the us and from these clinics participants will be selected for national clinics. Top international coaches have also been asked to nominate riders they feel have special talent.
The winter intensive training program is not for the casual Dressage rider, but for aspiring young riders that are committed to be the best they can be. This program takes determination, drive and passion. Taking place in wellington, Florida the participants will have a full schedule of learning that includes fitness, theory, tests, riding lessons, field trips and lectures on many pertinent subjects. It involves three months (january- march) of pure growth and first-hand experience to open the young rider's eyes to what it's like to be the best Dressage rider they can be. Two time olympian, lendon gray, is the main instructor but additional high caliber instructors are also used. The goal of the winter intensive training program is to give opportunities for youth riders to participate in consistent and extensive training not only in riding, but in all areas of horse care, riding and training theory, and competition skills.
Youth Dressage festival: the flagship event of dressage4kids, Inc. is conducted in august. Instituted in 1999, the festival offers individual and team competition for riders from ages 4 through 21. Division chanmpionships feature a three-phased competition: a written, test, an individual Dressage test, and a group equitation ride. Divisions offered are introductory through fourth, fei pony, junior and young rider and para equestrian. Riders may also assemble teams and vie for the usdf region 8 youth team competition. Classes for leasline (riders aged 4 to 8), prix caprilli, (Dressage ride incorporating jumps), Dressage trail, musical freestyle are offered, as are other competitive fund activities. Weekend equestrian program: a weekend of lectures and demonstrations held in january or february, presented by local and nationally renowned trainers, officials, equine law and health care practitioners and sports psychologists. During 2020, three new programs began, summer intensive program, fall intensive program and the training for teaching program.