Program areas at Driftless Area Land Conservancy
Land conservation - since 2000, Driftless Area Land Conservancy has protected over 8,000 acres of farms, forests, prairies, and wetlands. In 2023, the Conservancy protected over 700 acres of woodlands, prairie, pasture, and farmland. The Conservancy also stewarded 900 acres of dalc and partner-owned nature preserves including the application of prescribed fire, interseeding native species and invasive species control. The Conservancy continues to lead the development of the Driftless trail, coordinate the lowery creek watershed initiative, and participate in the southern Driftless grasslands partnership.
Outreach and education - the Conservancy's community engagement and outreach programs aim to connect people to the Land and to one another. The Conservancy aims to educate and inspire current and future generations to protect and steward our unique Driftless landscape. We continued to build our volunteer program, increasing volunteer hours by 60% as compared to 2022. In 2023, the Conservancy engaged over 700 people in dalc's mission and work through in-person and virtual presentations, field trips, volunteer work days, gatherings, and events.
Advocacy - the Conservancy's advocacy efforts focus on policies and programs that support the long-term protection of natural, historical, and culture resources of southwest Wisconsin's Driftless Area. In 2023, the Conservancy continued its efforts to oppose a massive and unneeded transmission line project. Activities in 2023 were largely focused on legal matters regarding the proposed crossing of the Mississippi river national fish and wildlife refuge. The Conservancy also continues to be involved in advocating for the knowles nelson stewardship fund which supports Land conservation throughout Wisconsin.