Program areas at Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids Nonprofit
Dwelling Place provides affordable rent restricted housing to over1,462 low income households in west Michigan, assists households inaccessing support services when requested, and operates community and economic development programs in the area. Dwelling Place leases over 40 commercial spaces. During 2023, Dwelling Place continued its development activityin several projects.during 2023 Dwelling Place continued the process of resyndication for four properties. Weston apartments, which consists of 190 units, verne barry apartments which consists of 116 units, and elmdale apartments which consists of 19 units all located in the city of Grand Rapids. Additionally, villa esperanza consists of 40 units located in the city of Wyoming. Kollen park, a new construction 52 unit project in the city of holland was submitted to mshda for lihtc awards in 2023.
Dwelling Place provides neighborhood revitalization along side community building and engagement efforts to enhance community, streetscapes, parks and encourage local business development efforts. To further our efforts in community support, Dwelling Place supports resident leadership, lifeskills, arts and gardening initiatives in communities we serve. In addition to our ongoing and new housing and development activities, Dwelling Place is frequently called on to make presentations and to consult with other community development corporations that are exploring the development of various housing and neighborhood revitalization programs.
Dwelling Place of Grand Rapids provides support services, includingcase management, to low income and single parent households. During2023, Dwelling Place support services were available to over 1,100 individualsresiding in 14 of its rental locations. Support services providesresources to individuals one on one and have many life skill classesand courses that residents can attend. Some examples include a strongbone class, nutritional and cooking classes, diabetes prevention andemployment skills classes.