Program areas at ELCFV
School readiness programprogram objective: to prepare children to succeed when they enter school; to assist Early Learning providers in offering The highest quality programs possible; to help parents understand their role as their child's first teachers and involve them in their child's Early readiness Early learning/care is delivered through a comprehensive network of 168 contracted legal school readiness providers in Flagler and Volusia Counties. To ensure parental choice, parents may choose care from contracted school readiness Early Learning providers including: licensed centers and family child care homes, registered family child care homes, school-based programs, license-exempt programs, and informal child care throughout Flagler and Volusia readiness programs are broken down into three areas: services for children, services for families, and services for Early Learning providers.7,079 children ages birth to nine years old were funded for child care services. These children are from economically disadvantages families or at risk of abuse or neglect.
Provider training: 21,989 total hours trained.child care resource & referral program: The program is offered to everyone, regardless of income, offers up-to-date provider information based on individual needs as well as referrals for food, clothing, shelter, transportation, employment opportunities, training and professional development.
Voluntary pre-kindergarten (vpk) program objective: to prepare children to be ready to learn upon entering kindergarten.program information: vpk is available to all Florida 4-year-olds since The passage of vpk legislation in 2005. The elcfv is The sole administrator of The program in Flagler and Volusia Counties. Services include vpk provider recruitment, provider training, child registration, and program assessment. The objective of this program is to prepare children to succeed in school.program statistics: The vpk program was offered through a network of 192 contracted legal voluntary pre-kindergarten providers in Flagler and Volusia Counties. 4,582 four-year olds were funded for free pre-kindergarten.
Accomplishmentsmeasurementsstatis... screening & assessment program: to help identify children who may have special needs and helps parents address these needs Early, giving children The best chance of success in school and fiscal year 2022/2023, elcfv staff continued to facilitate screenings utilizing an updated developmental portal in The division of Early Learning's statewide portal, an increase of developmental (asq3) and social emotional (se) were captured. 4,174 asq3's and 2,997 asq se's were completed. An overall total of 7,171 screenings. These screenings resulted with 401 referrals to outside agencies for further assessments and/or services.