Program areas at Early Learning Coalition of Manatee County
The school readiness program (sr) offers financial assistance to low-income families for Early education and care so they can become financially self- sufficient, and their young children can be successful in school in the future. School readiness childcare funding is available to eligible families to assist them in obtaining affordable, high-quality childcare. Children are eligible from birth through 12 years of age. The elc offered funding assistance for childcare to 1,876 families to continue their efforts toward self-sufficiency.
Comprehensive consumer education: the Coalition disseminates information through seminars, meetings, one-on- one education, literature distribution, and community events. Additionally, educational materials and resources are provided through their website, including a child care resource and referral page. Nextgen family magazine is an additional family resource published bi-monthly and is distributed to over 35,200 childcare programs, elementary school children, and community businesses throughout Manatee County. Additionally, 52,000+ books were distributed to children in Manatee County at a variety of community events. Provider financial supports: the Coalition offers professional development reimbursement scholarships, quality mini-grants, and a pre-apprenticeship program. Grants and scholarships are awarded based on specific criteria, with reimbursement upon submission of required documents. 15,480 was awarded in scholarships and professional development incentives. Training, technical assistance, and classroom educational support: 90 training sessions on 57 topics, totaling 296.7 training hours, reaching 2,869 individuals on various training sessions was offered on topics ranging from Early Learning standards to health and safety. The dream machine, the Coalition's mobile classroom, delivered programs such as steam (science, technology, engineering, art, and mathematics), catch (coordinated approach to child health), and reading pals. Words on the bus, reading pals, raising a reader, and friendly's book club promote literacy and engage children in Learning. Catch (coordinated approach to child health) was implemented in 13 preschool classrooms serving 113 children throughout Manatee County. It is a program proven to prevent childhood obesity that uses two methods to create healthy children by labeling food go, slow, and whoa intending to identify healthy foods and to increase the amount of moderate to vigorous physical activity children engage in each day. The elc participated in soar in 4, a program designed to ensure that all children have the opportunities they need for success in school and beyond. Our nemours reading brightstart program (nrbs) served 58 classrooms in 23 providers. Nrbs is a supplemental classroom curriculum dedicated to the prevention of reading failure in children. Compliance monitoring: compliance with state and local requirements is monitored through regular inspections, site visits, and corrective action plans. Inclusion: the Coalition promotes inclusive childcare through training, technical assistance, warm-line support, and developmental screenings. Services are aimed at supporting children with disabilities or behavioral challenges in Early childhood settings. 2,356 ages and stages questionnaire developmental screenings were completed to identify potential developmental delays. 62 children were identified as needing further evaluation and were supported by coordinating referrals to other community agencies. Spot-on program seeks to reduce communication, self-regulation, and functional life skill deficits the may interfere with student progression developmentally. Spot on served 45 children, their families, and teachers.
The vpk program is a free program designed to prepare four-year-old children for kindergarten and build a foundation for educational success. The elc served 2,779 vpk children in 119 vpk program providers by providing the state of Florida's voluntary pre-kindergarten education program for four-year-olds in Manatee County. The elc oversaw the application and enrollment process of children in the vpk program and provided orientation sessions for parents and childcare providers. Through its outreach and awareness activities, the elc advertised the vpk program by airing vpk public service announcements, distributing flyers to large employers and public locations in the County, and displaying banners in high-traffic areas.