Program areas at EARN
Community:saverlife's financial technology platform serves more than 635,000 people across the country who are living on low-to-moderate incomes. Through our app, we provide our members with a personalized experience that includes financial content, savings rewards and incentives, trusted referrals, access to a supportive online community, and opportunities to engage in our advocacy and policy work. Saverlife works - our members deposit 15% of their income into savings, and 56% of Saverlife members improve their financial health score at 6, 12, and 18 months after joining.
Solutions:saverlife solutions leverages the underlying technology and proven savings incentives of the Saverlife platform to build the broader field of financial wellness through partnerships. We partner with employers, credit unions, and nonprofits to provide Saverlife's savings products, combined with customized savings challenges to their community members and employees. Saverlife solutions offers custom versions of our innovative saving platform, adding both genuine value and proven business incentives to the people our partners serve and employ. Through integrations of our platform, we provide a proven benefit for employees, clients, and constituents, and a leadership role for organizations looking to promote meaningful social change.
Research & advocacy:saverlife brings our members' voices and priorities into systems-level conversations to ensure current and emerging products, programs, and policies support their unique financial health journeys. Saverlife's fintech product provides unique access to real-time, household-level financial transactions, bank account data, and demographic information, giving insight into the financial lives of our members over time. And because we've built an engaged community of members across the country, we can bring their data and stories together through published research to highlight how a more thoughtful and inclusive financial system can help them achieve financial well-being.