Program areas at East Chapel Hill Rotary Club Foundation
Teacher supply storein this annual project that takes place the week before school starts, we raise funds to purchase classroom supplies for teachers in the Chapel hill-carrboro public school system. Working with our partner Chapel hill-carrboro public school Foundation, we create a pop-up "store" in which teachers are invited to choose $50 worth of supplies from the previously purchased materials. Additionally, each teacher was given a $25 gift card for items that were not available that day, as well as other free supplies collected by unc healthcare and other local companies. In 2023, $41,927 of supplies were offered to all middle and high school teachers, as well as to all novice teachers and all social workers in the school system. Over 60 Rotary Club members and public school Foundation volunteers purchased and transported the supplies, setting up the "store" in one of the high school gyms. At the event, volunteers assisted the teachers in choosing and tallying their "purchases and provided small extra gifts. Over 527 teachers attended the event and extra bags were packed for those who were unable to come. Tissues and wipes were delivered to elementary schools as well. With close to 600 teachers directly benefitting, we estimate that at least 10 times that number of students indirectly benefited.
Solar projects we continued working with habitat for humanity of orange county and another Rotary Club to have rooftop solar installed on homes being constructed in the new weavers grove community. Additionally, we supported solarequity in its commitment to add solar panels to peach apartments, a new affordable multi-unit housing complex, raising $6500 towards this effort in 2023, although the check to solarequity was written in early 2024. Finally, we began raising awareness about a project in abidjan, cote d'ivoire that will provide solar batteries for charging cell phones. In addition to raising funds, rotarians continued to volunteer at habitat builds.
Bicycles for underprivileged children: in this annual project, we purchase and distribute bicycles to low-income families during the Chapel Hill service league's christmas house event. Forty new bicycles and 40 helmets were given away at christmas house. Additionally, ten bikes and helmets were given to children who were identified by a social worker as being from families unable to provide such gifts themselves. The total cost of the bikes and helmets was $7500. Twelve Rotary Club members assisted with purchasing, transporting and distributing the bicycles and helmets in the two venues. With 50 bikes and helmets provided, the number of children who benefited is probably 100 - 150.
Usa-france iccwe helped to host the 2023 usa-france intercountry committee as it met in the us this year for its annual positive peace and leadership dialogue seminar. Twelve french and 18 american students and post-grad young professionals participated.laptops for zambiacontinuing our partnership with the Rotary Club of lusaka, we sent 2 more shipments of 10 laptops each to rural schools in zambia to help close the digital divide.lift up local kidsinspired by a local community activist, we made contributions to the skjaja fund, musical empowerment and the blue ribbon mentor program of the public school Foundation. Other projectssouthwest durham Rotary Club - mlk day of service meal packing- $500hillsborough Rotary Club diaper repacking for diaper bank of nc - $425two mules for haiti sponsor of benefit festival - $500