Program areas at ELCH
The organization provides quality medical healthcare regardless of race, creed, sex, national origin, handicap, age, or ability to pay. Although reimbursement for services rendered is critical to the operation and stability of the organization, it is recognized that not all individuals possess the ability to afford essential medical services and healthcare education. Therefore, in keeping with the organization's commitment to serve all members of the organization's community with free care and/or subsidized care, care provided to persons covered by governmental programs below costs, and health activities and programs to support the community have been considered where the need and an individual's inability to pay exist. These activities include wellness programs, community education programs, and a variety of broad community support activities. The organization provides care to persons covered by governmental programs below cost. Recognizing its mission to the community, services are provided to both medicare and medicaid patients. To the extent reimbursement is below cost, the organization considers these amounts as uncompensated care in meeting its mission in the entire community. The organization is located in East Liverpool, Ohio and services the surrounding communities; staffing 120 beds for acute care, intensive care and skilled nursing in the medically undeserved area. During 2022, the organization provided numerous benefits to the surrounding community, including financial support through the community benefit initiative program. Community education and wellness programs - the organization offered the following to the community free or at a nominal charge: health fairs, cpr classes, childbirth classes, garfield elementary wellness program, cover the uninsured, program heartsaver first aid classes, advance cardiac life support, healthcare provider recertification, breast feeding support, pastoral outreach programs, diabetes education, smoking cessation classes, basics in babysitting classes, autism support group, conducted Hospital tours for area schools and community groups, served as an observation site for the high school for health professions developed by the public schools, hosted several shadow students from area schools, served as host site for Ohio higher education telecommunication system, operated a physician referral line free to the community, hosted programs for student nurses and radiology technicians in training, provided food to needy families for thanksgiving, and gifts to needy children for christmas to the salvation army day of caring, day of giving program - money and food drive.
The podiatry program started july 2018. There are fourteen students in their first year, twelve students in their second year and twelve students in their third year for the 2022-2023 year. The amount of expenses and revenue for this program was not obtainable for this fiscal year.