Program areas at EMARC
Residential services / supported living - provides an array of housing and support services for adults with various disabilities. This includes 10 group homes as well as various independent and supportive living locations throughout east middlesex county, ma. The focus is to provide people the opportunity to live full, valued and meaningful lives in their community. As people age and/or their needs change so too must the supports and services.
Family and individual support services - the family resource center offers assistance to parents and other primary care givers in their efforts to provide care in the home and community for a child or an adult with a developmental disability. Services include support groups, educational programs, advocacy and respite care, among others.
Day habilitation - a model day habilitation service that offers people a dynamic and relevant approach to learning skills that assist in having a healthy lifestyle. As the name suggests, people make choices and this program focuses on helping people to develop knowledge and skills that assist them in this endeavor. Learning to set goals and then how to adapt and overcome obstacles to achieving these goals are lessons that foster independence and a richer life.
Day, employment and transportation services - provides a range of services. This includes assisting individuals to build and maintain their ability to participate in community activities by focusing on skill areas that include communication, self-care, relationship-building and community involvement. We help people explore jobs that interest them, learning the skills needed for the job, and then helping people find and get settled into being a successful employee. We provide transportation services which we have found to be a key support service that makes a difference in helping people to have access to community job opportunities.
Recreation - various social and recreational activity offerings for children and adults with intellectual disabilties. Program offerings include athletics, aquatics, music therapy, art classes, dance classes and various social club activities and field trips, among others.
Adult foster care (afc) is a masshealth funded program that helps support individuals 16 years of age and older living in the community who are unable to live alone independently. Families are supported by a team of professionals through regular home visits, trainings, and phone support. Caregivers receive a tax exempt payment for their services.