Program areas at East-West Ministries International
Evangelize: God has faithfully provided creative means by which to move forward in taking the gospel to unreached peoples throughout the world. East-West Ministries is scattering the seeds of the gospel through various avenues: short-term teams, nationals who have been trained in evangelism, national churches, and mass evangelism projects. All of our evangelism efforts include a clear, concise gospel presentation with a challenge for the hearer of the Word to take an action step of asking for forgiveness and accepting Jesus as their Savior. See Schedule O for continuation.
Mobilize: God offers the free gift of grace to everyone. He empowers and challenges every believer to be witnesses "to the ends of the earth." That is why East-West aims to mobilize the Church at home to build the Church abroad as a core strategy. Every member of the Body of Christ can be involved in seeing Christ's Great Commission fulfilled by supporting His cause. So we engage partners to reach the world for Christ in a variety of ways, such as: Long-term mission assignments, Short-term mission trips, Church partnerships, and Prayer.
Equip: East-West Ministries began with a commitment to work through nationals to plant healthy churches in limited access countries, especially among unreached people groups and in restricted-access areas. Strategically we are committed to training nationals who can both carry on the ministries in their countries, and train others for ministry. We train pastors to be biblically sound, grace-oriented multipliers, and we train women's leaders for their churches. We train itinerant evangelists to lead area-wide campaigns and train church members to be more effective witnesses. See Schedule O for continuation.
Multiply: Globally, East-West is specifically focused on areas of unreached people groups or areas with no previous substantial form of evangelism, discipleship or church planting. We primarily seek to work through existing local partnerships by investing in and training nationals. There are many who desire to further the gospel and even plant new churches; however, they have never been provided with the tools or training to accomplish such a task. Therefore, our end goal is to provide nationals with the skills and resources necessary to plant rapidly multiplying churches. The church planting process begins with evangelism in new areas or seeking to partner with local believers in areas of existing work. Once these relationships are established, we provide training in evangelism and church planting, forming specific strategies for each individual about how and where to share one's faith, how many groups will be started, and how many leaders will be trained. Long-term accountability is provided through follow-up trainings, and those who demonstrate obedience are sent to areas of unreached peoples to evangelize and establish reproducible churches. The church planting efforts throughout each of our fields are unique, therefore requiring a distinct approach in each field of ministry. While some areas are still in the beginning stages of evangelism, others are experiencing rapid multiplication. Despite the many obstacles faced in various parts of the world, our on-site staff and national partners persist with diligence, desiring to engage the unreached with the saving grace of Jesus through reproducing churches.