Program areas at Easter Seals Blake Foundation
Blake children & family (bcf) Blake children & family (bcf) served more than 2,500 children and families across 10 counties of southern Arizona. Bcf's naeyc accredited early learning programs prepared children for primary schooling through a supportive environment focused on children's social, emotional, cognitive, and physical developmental needs. Bcf provided families access to early and intensive support via evidence-based programming, including nurse family partnership, parents as teachers, and early head start. Additionally, 2000 early childhood professionals were served and provided with access to resources, education, and training specialized to promote children's overall development and well-being.
Easterseals Blake Foundation's Blake employment and community support (becs) programs offers support and services to empower individuals with intellectual and or developmental disabilities to discover their full potential for independence and inclusion on the community. Becs provides a multitude of person-centered supports that includes: supported living group homes, independent living (idla's), respite, and attendant care. Day services community day programs, employment, and transportation. Supports are offered in 5 counties throughout southern Arizona to more than 150 members.
Easterseals Blake behavioral health provided comprehensive behavioral health treatment for children, adults, and families throughout Arizona. These services included individual and group counseling, psychiatric services, semi-independent living, residential adult treatment, and behavioral interventions for arizonans of all ages. The behavioral health programs of Easterseals Blake Foundation emphasize easy access, comprehensive care, excellent outcomes through the use of evidence-based practices, and exceptional service built on a culture of engagement and wellness. Blake behavioral health services received a center of excellence designation for our services with children by banner and Arizona complete health. Geographically, behavioral health services expanded into benson, Arizona. Autism spectrum disorder diagnostic evaluations started at our pima county sites.