Program areas at Eastern Carolina Workforce Development Board
The wioa adult program served 348 participants. The wioa program has four performance measures established by the us department of labor to determine the overall program effectiveness and ecwdb met all performance standards. The purpose of the adult program is to increase the employment retention, earnings and occupational skills of participants. The program aims to improve the quality of the Workforce, reduce welfare dependency and enhance the productivity and competitiveness of the nation's economy. The program provides a range of self-service and staff assisted services for adults seeking training and employment. Services can range from skill assessment, labor market information, consumer reports on training programs and job search and placement assistance, to more intensive services for adults experiencing more difficulty in obtaining jobs. The goal of the program is to increase employment and employment retention for participants and to provide employers with a skilled Workforce and qualified job applicants.
The wioa dislocated worker program served 44 participants throughout the nine county region. This program has four performance measures established by the us department of labor to determine the overall program effectiveness, and ecwdb, Inc. met all standards. This program is intended to help workers who lost jobs due to plant closures, company downsizing, or some other significant change in market conditions. In most cases it is unlikely these workers will return to their previous employment. The program tailors employment and training services; works with workers and firms facing substantial layoffs; and encourages labor, management and community partnerships with government to address needs. Dislocated workers are eligible for services such as skill assessment, labor market information, job search and job placement assistance. The sequence of services is individualized and may include more intensive assessments, counseling, prevocational and vocational training.
The wioa youth program served 207 participants throughout the nine county region. The us department of labor established four performance standards to determine overall program effectiveness and ecwdb met all standards. The youth program targets young people who are ages 14 through 24, are low income, and may need help to complete an educational program or find and hold employment. Youth programs provide a wide variety of services that help low-income young people succeed in school and work. Program participants may receive services such as occupational skills training, counseling, interships, work experience and job placements, mentoring, tutoring, leadership Development and supportive services. Strategies are developed for each person based on results in assessments of academics, skill levels and support service needs. Strategies may include summer employment, study skills training, or instruction in obtaining a ged or equivalent. The program goal is to enhance youth education, encourage school completion through alternative educational programs and provide exposure to the world of work through apprenticeships and career exploration.