Program areas at ECSDD
Comprehensive habilitation Services provide 24-hour Services and/or supports which are designed to ensure the health, safety and welfare of the individual, and to assist in the acquisition, retention and/or improvement in skills necessary to support individuals to live and participate successfully in their community. These Services may include a combination of lifelong supervision, training, therapies, and/or support which are essential to daily community living, including assessment and evaluation and the cost of training materials, transportation, fees and supplies. Program served 137.
Adult supported living Services - medicaid provides Services and supports to individuals who live in their own home or with families. Supported living Services is designed to meet some needs while developing a pool of natural supports for the individual. Some areas of service include personal assistance Services, day habilitation Services, professional Services, dental Services, hearing and vision Services. the program served 126 adults.
Case management Services is the determination of eligibility for Services and supports, service and support coordination, and the monitoring of all Services and supports delivered pursuant to the individualized plan, and the evaluation of results identified in the individualized plan. Served 542 individuals.
Early intervention offers infants, toddlers, and their families Services and support to enhance child development in the areas of cognition, speech, communication, physical, motor, vision, hearing, social-emotional development, and self-help skills; parent-child or family interaction and early identification, screening, and assessment Services which are provided in accordance with crs 27-10.5-104(b) and dhs/dds rules and regulations. Served 113 children. Expenses 619,359. Including grants of 0. Revenue 684,470. Adult supported living Services - state supported living Services (sls) provide the necessary assistance and support to meet the daily living and safety needs of adults who remain responsible for their own living arrangements (including room and board expenses). Sls is designed to meet some needs while developing a pool of natural supports for the individual. Served 8 adults. Expenses 54,201. Including grants of 0. Revenue 65,768. Family support Services program provides support to families in their role as primary care givers for a family member with a developmental disability who is living in the family home, thereby preventing or delaying the need for out-of-home placement which is unwanted by the person or the family. Program served 97 families. Expenses 93,389. Including grants of 0. Revenue 93,389. Childrens extensive support is a deeming waiver (only the childs income is considered in determining eligibility) intended to provide needed Services and supports to eligible children under the age of eighteen years in order for the children to remain in or return to the family home. the program served 20 individuals. Expenses 17,051. Including grants of 0. Revenue 22,615.