Program areas at EU
Instruction - Expenditures for all activities through which students earn credit toward postsecondary degrees or certificates, and the support services for the delivery of instruction. Includes expenditures for curriculum development, departmental research, education materials (e.g., libraries), laboratories and other services that directly assist the institution's academic functions, faculty development, and academic administration.
Auxiliary and Other Operations - Funds expended for auxiliary enterprises that generally operate as self-supporting programs by charging fees for the provision of goods and services; also includes expenditures for institutional support and plant operations attributable and/or allocable to the programmatic departments of the institution.
Student Services - Funds expended for offices of admissions and registrar and those activities that contribute to the emotional and physical wellbeing of students, as well as their intellectual, cultural, and social development outside of the context of the formal instructional environment including student activities, counseling and career guidance, intercollegiate athletics, and student organizations.
Academic Support - Funds expended to provide support services for the core, instructional mission of the University including operation of libraries and laboratories, instructional technologies, assessment, and academic administration.