Program areas at Eco Activists for Governance and Law Enforcement
In 2023, EAGLE US awarded its largest grant to EAGLE's Central Coordination Unit (CCU) located in Kenya. The CCU is responsible for assisting EAGLE's partners in Senegal, the Ivory Coast, Togo, Cameroon, Gabon, the Congo, Uganda and Guinea. The CCU members provided dedicated and continuous support and assistance to each of the other EAGLE entities that receive grants to advance conservation in their respective countries. For information on the work in these countries please see our 2023 Annual Report: httpswwweagleenforcementorgdatafi...
In 2023, EAGLE assisted wildlife conservation efforts in the Cameroon through its partner, the Last Great Ape. Grant funds resulted in the following accomplishments: LAGA assisted at arresting 13 traffickers resulting in 13 court cases; the seizing of 271 kg of pangolins scales from all three species in the country, the conviction of 20 traffickers who received all or at least one of the following; prison sentences, fines and damages; significant national media coverage including nearly 200 radio and written articles; participation by the Deputy Director at a pangolin conservation planning workshop, that brought together stakeholders in pangolin conservation in Ghana and focused on producing a West African regional action plan for pangolin conservation to be validated and adopted by the range states and other pangolin conservation stakeholders; participation by the Deputy Director on a panel on the role of law enforcement in pangolin conservation; a meeting with 3 officials from the US Departments of Justice and Agriculture to discuss wildlife law enforcement and illegal logging in the country. For more information on our program activities in Cameroon please see our 2023 Annual Report: httpswwweagleenforcementorgdatafi...
In 2023, EAGLE US continued its support to EAGLE's partner in Senegal, known as EAGLE Senegal. The grant funding resulted in the following accomplishments: presenting various modules on combatting wildlife crime during 3 training sessions at the Niokoloko Koba National Park for 29 park officials in May, which focused on wildlife crime, the wildlife law, techniques in identifying and concealing wildlife contraband, writing of offence statements and the rights of the defense; participating by the Coordinator and the Head of the Legal Department in training for Heads of Airport Anti Trafficking Units from Senegal, Cameroon, Cote d'Ivoire, Burkina Faso and Togo at which they presented various modules on combating wildlife crime during the training sessions; and a presentation by the Coordinator on corruption and wildlife crime during the 34th Interpol Wildlife Crime Working Group Meeting in December, in Lyon, which was attended by 165 people of 56 nationalities, including 145 government representatives and 20 NGOs including EAGLE. For more information on our accomplishments in Senegal please see our 2023 Annual Report: httpswwweagleenforcementorgdatafi...
Additional grants were awarded to the EAGLE entities in Gabon, the Ivory Coast, Togo, the Congo, Uganda and Guinea. Please see our 2023 annual report for the details of these efforts: httpswwweagleenforcementorgdatafi...