Program areas at Ecoagriculture Partners
1000 landscapes for 1 billion people (1000l): the 1000l initiative engaged more than 40 organizational Partners in collaboratively designing resources and services to advance capacity-building, finance mobilization, software development, and coalition-building for landscape partnerships. Nearly 100 landscape partnerships worldwide tested these learning modules, tools, and advisory services, helping to refine and scale their impact. The hub initiated the collaborative design of the 1000l scaling and transformation strategy to expand its reach and effectiveness. (program service accomplishments continued on form 990, schedule o)through high-profile events like un climate week and International environmental conventions on climate, land degradation, and biodiversity, 1000l raised awareness about holistic landscape management. Key advocacy efforts included an open letter to financial leaders on landscape finance and a global finance transformation campaign.ecoag's communications and outreach efforts amplified the landscape movement, creating a full-service studio for ecoag and 1000l. Key achievements included a website redesign, production of engaging multimedia content (publications, animations, and videos), and hosting webinars and events, such as nyc climate week and cop 28. Ecoag celebrated its 20th anniversary with a powerful video and presentation and secured a pro-bono forbes campaign valued at $400,000. Ecoag gained over 1,000 new linkedin followers, and 1000l's linkedin engagement rose to 8.2%, enhancing its leadership in sustainable development and landscape advocacy.
Innovations in landscape management, finance & policy (ilm): the ilm program advanced collaborative learning by developing cutting-edge tools, curricula, and guides. A product testing workshop in kenya engaged 30 participants from eight landscape initiatives and 16 restoration programs, laying the groundwork for a 2024 conference expected to host 200 representatives from kenya and neighboring countries. Additionally, the launch of a program supported by a belgium-based nonprofit provided 10 tailored online training sessions supported by original learning materials, furthering ilm practices globally. (program service accomplishments continued on form 990, schedule o)the finance & policy team strengthened the field of integrated landscape finance by building the 1000l finance solutions design team and co-facilitating the 1000l landscape finance accelerator pilot program. This pilot, focusing on four landscapes, developed and tested a landscape finance assessment tool and capacity-building modules, while generating valuable insights. Direct support was provided for landscape finance strategies in sierra de tapalpa, mexico, and san martin, foster a global community of practice, the team co-convened an influential landscape finance dialogue series targeting financiers and landscape partnerships. Published reports on landscape finance and national biodiversity strategies further bolstered the field, as did contributions to a technical guide on urban-rural linkages. Ecoag works closely with local partner organizations in kenya, india, vietname, peru, colombia and mexico as well as with International programs that support multiple landscape partnerships.