Program areas at EcoForesters
EcoForesters continues to seek solutions for helping private landowners and public land managers fund important forest restoration and stewardship. The costs associated with forest management are consistently the top reason for inaction and EcoForesters has made creating and funding forest stewardship activities a priority. The FOREST Fund was created in 2021 to fill this need with local land trusts and was available to local conservation stewardship managers as a cost share match that included professional planning and forest restoration. That work continued in 2023 with three projects on permanently protected and ecologically sensitive forests. Our pilot Sandy Mush Forest Restoration Project was expanded to 8 counties thanks to funding from the USDAs Landscape Scale Restoration grant. In consultation with the NC Forest Service and in support of the State Forest Action Plan, this project partners with NC Extension, NC
2. Consulted on 137 different properties covering over 13,839 acres 3. Conducted 2 timber appraisals over 500 acres 4. Worked on two timber sales on 36 acres 5. Did 1 forest mapping and remote sensing project covering 138 acres Over the past year, we have provided stewardship support to 48 private landowners in addition to our partners, helping manage and improve a total of 1,292.69 acres. Our efforts included planting 2,750 native plants and completing forest stand improvement work on 465.75 acres. We also conducted 24 stewardship consults and partnered with the Kudzu Warriors to further our impact and mission. Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians- EF worked on NNIS control at 2 different properties included hack & squirt of tree of heaven, cutting grape vines that were causing canopy collapse, cut-stem control of bittersweet vines, foliar spraying of various species including multiflora rose, bittersweet, burning bush and kudzu. Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy: EF worked on NNIS control at 10 different properties within the Sandy Mush project area footprint. Work included foliar spraying of various invasive species including kudzu, multiflora rose, bittersweet, Japanese knotweed, Japanese spirea, cut stem treatment of invasive vines and shrubs including bittersweet as well as hack & squirt treatment of invasive tree of heaven and princess tree. Southern Appalachian Highlands Conservancy: NNIS control at 3 different properties where the work was partially funded through the Forest Fund initiative. Autumn olive and miscanthus grass at the Hemphill property. Japanese spirea, bittersweet and tree of heaven. Wildlands Engineering- Worked at 9 different properties in the mountain and foothills regions of North Carolina, improving riparian habitat through NNIS control. Worked on hack & squirt, cut stem, and foliar spraying. Species included multiflora rose, bittersweet, Chinese privet, Japanese barberry, tree of heaven, kudzu, gray willow, goat willow, princess tree, Japanese honeysuckle. Conserving Carolina: NNIS control at 3 different properties in Henderson County, a forested wetland, a wetland adjacent to community housing, and a riparian corridor along the French Broad River. Hack & squirt, cut stem, and foliar spraying of Chinese privet, autumn olive, bittersweet, tree of heaven, English ivy, multiflora rose, and Japanese honeysuckle. Foothills Conservancy: worked on vegetation control at 2 different properties, controlling competing vegetation that was beginning to over top some recently planted chestnuts, hardwoods and fruit trees. Performing ring sprays around recently planted saplings to promote the early stages of upward growth by treating competing faster growing grasses. NC Forest Service: There were 2 major Forest Stand Improvement projects. DuPonts work was to promote the regeneration of oaks and hickories at DuPont State Recreational Forest. This involves removing some of the heath layer (rhododendron and mountain laurel) as well as some of the faster growing native tree species that are a specific size class in order to create more space in the mid-level of the forest. At Gill State Forest EcoForesters were mechanically thinning white pine stands to promote better timber value. North Carolina Wildlife Resources Commission: Needmore Game Lands, Sandy Mush Game Lands, South Mountain Game Lands. Needmore and South Mountain was controlling primarily kudzu with foliar spray and cut-stem methods. Sandy Mush Game Lands was primarily foliar spray work on Asiatic bittersweet, English Ivy, Japanese honeysuckle, Kudzu, and multiflora rose. USFS: Shope Creek in Pisgah National Forest was a crop tree release project paired with nonnative invasive species removal. This involves removing some of the faster growing native tree species that are a specific size class in order to create more space in the mid-level Oaks and Hickories of the forest. Private Landowners: 49 individual households hired EcoForesters in 2023 for NNIS control, reforestation efforts through native plantings, trail work and forest stand improvement work at a multitude of WNC properties. In 2023, EcoForesters achieved significant progress in forest conservation and stewardship, thanks, in part, to the USDA Landscape Scale Restoration (LSR) and NFWF America the Beautiful grants. Through the LSR grant, EcoForesters conducted 86 consultations on 5,583 acres and completed a comprehensive stewardship plan for 169 acres. These consultations have led to multiple stewardship plans and invasive species control projects in the pipeline for 2024. Similarly, in the first year of the NFWF grant, EcoForesters facilitated 41 consultations across 3,274 acres, with several stewardship plans slated for 2024. These efforts are in support of grant targets, but also reflect our commitment to sustainable forestry and the preservation of our natural landscapes. EcoForesters continues to partner with the USFS on the management of public lands. After advising on the development of the current Pisgah & Nantahala National Forest Management Plan update, EcoForesters is assisting with plan implementation. EcoForesters entered into an agreement with the USFS to restore forests and control non-native invasive plants. Staff also remain involved through the USFS All Lands Strategy group and the Collaborative Forest Landscape Restoration Project. These partnerships are vital to accomplishing much needed restoration on public lands. In response to the Canton Paper Mill closure, a stakeholder group was formed to address the loss to local communities and forests. Facilitated by partner, Land of Sky Regional Council, this group is comprised of state and local economic development, forestry, and academic professionals seeking to better understand the impacts to forestry infrastructure, private landowners, and local economies. . In an effort to help the public understand the changes to our forests and challenges facing the region, EcoForesters hosted a panel discussion on the topic of Climate Smart Forestry. Led by Steve McNulty, the Director of the Southeast Climate Hub, a group of forestry leaders discussed and answered questions related to the impact of climate change on forests and how forestry professionals are addressing those challenges. Our outreach and education to private landowners and community leaders continues through the publication of biannual newsletter, presenting and tabling at multiple events, promoting partner efforts and hosting free workshops. EcoForesters is committed to making a positive impact on our forests through both education and boots-on-the-ground work.
Wildlife Resource Commission and other forestry related NGOs to bring a community focus to underserved landowners. This partnership resulted in ongoing landowner workshops, with 3 being held in 2023 along with the second annual Modern Forestry Revisited panel discussion, along with invasive plant control on conservation property and state game lands. Thirteen forest management plans were also written, and funding was used to restore forests through the Natural Resource Conservation Services EQIP program on seven properties. We have received full funding for the project for 2023 as well. In 2023 EcoForesters positively impacted over 13,000 acres of forests in Western North Carolina by: 1. Wrote 41 comprehensive ecological forest stewardship plans covering nearly 4,000 acres. Addressing everything from forest health, wildlife habitat, recreation, sustainable timber 1. management, non-timber forest products, wildlife habitat, carbon storage, and aesthetics.