Program areas at Fans for the Cure
Fans for the Cure offered online women's and men's support groups. There were fifty-three (53) meetings in 2023, a significant number of which were attended by doctors, researchers, and other healthcare professionals who made presentations and answered participants' questions. Over 450 men and women had officially registered for the support group by year-end 2023.
Fans for the Cure continued to produce the Stay in the Game podcast throughout 2023. Guests included doctors, researchers, public health officials, and cancer survivors. Discussions focused on people's experiences with prostate cancer. There were fifteen podcasts released in 2023.
September 21, 2023 -- Partnering with Montefiore Einstein and the New York Yankees, Fans for the Cure participated in a prostate cancer screening event at Yankee Stadium prior to and during the evening game. 166 men, including employees and NYPD, took advantage of the opportunity to take a free blood test that tested for elevated PSA, a marker for prostate cancer. September 28, 2023 -- In collaboration with the New York Presbyterian Healthcare System and the New York Mets, Fans for the Cure participated in a prostate cancer screening at Citi Field in Queens, New York. 276 men, including employees and NYPD, were tested on site. March - November 2023 -- Fans for the Cure participated in over thirty community health events which took place in medically-underserved communities on Long Island (NY) as part of a grant and consulting agreement with Molloy University.