Program areas at EdPowerment
SPONSORSHIP PROGRAM: In 2023 EdPowerment funded over 20 higher-education and 13 secondary and primary scholarships through our Tanzanian partner, Education Empowerment Organization (EdPowerment). EdPowerment continues to provide all educational requirements, as well as personal needs, transport, medical and at times, family support for these students. EdPowerment works with all students and recent graduates on advanced computer and life skills during school breaks, and offers targeted assistance to recent graduates as they seek employment.
SEMINARS, CLUBS AND OTHER TRAININGS FOR SECONDARY STUDENTS AND COMMUNITY WOMEN: In 2023 EdPowerment continued a Secondary School Skills Program in schools that receive minimal government and parental support in villages of extraordinary economic hardship. Seminars teach critical study skills; demonstrate best practice test-taking strategies, and otherwise promote a positive approach to learning. Saturday Boys and Girls Clubs engage students in sports, arts and games, while offering practical lessons in local income-producing agricultural, product-based, or service-based activities. As an outgrowth of these Club activities, in December EdPowerment embarked on a new project- the EdPowerment Business Incubation Center. Offering three programs, the Centre is a way for these secondary school graduates and other young adults to develop locally needed skills in carpentry, snack/food production, and the making of reusable menstrual pads to be distributed in secondary schools and sold in local markets. The menstrual pad program, Wings for Confident Women, will allow better female school attendance and participation in society, now constrained because of lack of these products and hygiene support.EdPowerment also supported development of two small Women's Business Groups in drought-stricken villages that now lack vegetation for planting and raising livestock. Each group of 20 women came together in a formal structure to begin a soap-making/marketing enterprise. EdPowerment's seed money, trainings and operational coaching will enable these women to build a sustainable business whose profits will help to feed and educate their children.
IN-COUNTRY PROGRAM MANAGEMENT: These expenses include our staff, who conduct all sponsorship supervision, seminars and other program services, and other required costs including office and resource room where students study and use computer and internet services. Transportation costs reflect petrol/van maintenance expenses to transport staff and equipment to seminars, trainings and deliver food for the emergency drought relief program, as well as sponsored student travel to colleges, universities and potential employers.