Program areas at Elca Youth Ministry Network
The Network extravaganza in 2023 drew over 800 professional and volunteer Youth Ministry leaders together for 4 days and 3 nights of quality education, networking, support and spiritual growth. General sessions exposed the group to nationally known speakers and music groups and focused on encouragement and inspiration. Over 60 workshop options gave opportunities for individual and congregational teams to learn specific skills. A large exhibit hall showcased over 70 resource providers and vendors. Evening events and receptions gave Youth Ministry leaders opportunities to meet, share experiences, Network and develop supportive relationships with each other.
Symbol is a program to support Elca synod staff in their efforts to promote Youth Ministry. The Elca Youth Network acts as a fiscal agent. A grant in the amount of 15,000 over two years was received to support this program.
In partnership with our denomination, the evangelical lutheran church in america, the Elca Youth Network received a 1,000,000 grant to be distributed over 3 years. The grant funds the new "formation co-op" program, a research and development project to assist our congregations find new and innovative ways to form fiath in the lives of adolexcents. Over the life of the grant, cohorts of contrgations will be formed for mutual learning and developing best practices. This work will take place both online and face-to-tace. A full-time director was hired to administer this project.
The Elca Youth Network publishes a newsletter to members. Also, the Network developed a website, martin's list to facilitate congregations sharing resources and the connect journal, an online journal to present new ideas and resources. A monthly podcast with conversations and interview about currently Ministry resources has also been produced.