Program areas at Elegba Folklore Society
Elegba Folklore societys array of annual festivals that enrich the community, via family engagement, have expandedfrom three to four: the black book expo a conscious literary feseval, juneteenth, a freedom celebraeon, down home family reunion and capital city kwanzaa feseval. These programs are distinctive in their varying purposes to highlight literary arts, engage in historical commemoration, folklife exploration and cultural affinity via a holidayobservance, respectively. Through these opportunitees for learning and entertainment, edutainment, families growin exposure and pride in cultural heritage.
The societys performing company of dancers, drummers, singers, spokenword artists and masquerades appears at colleges, schools, communitytheatres, festivals, museums, libraries and churches to present from itsrepertoire of concerts, dance theatre, performance lectures and workshops.audiences and students are immersed in high quality arts engagementmixed with the benefit of cultural education throughthe companys original work. The performances are interactive and are unifying. While someappearances were virtual this year, in-person, in highlight, the societysteaching artists saw measurable growth in middle and high school studentsin an after school residency this year.
Elegba Folklore societys cultural center showcases visual arts, artifacts andforms of material culture where all the pieces have an origin story. Visitorscan see and collect objects and symbols that provide a cultural connectionand a learning opportunity through exposure. Elegba Folklore societyscultural center is a community hub where people expect to find enrichingexperiences for themselves and their families. The center safely hostednearly 5,000 visitors in 2021. They were both residents and has maintained its location in the center of the city and in the downtownarts district for 27 years. The Society invites the public to programs such asdocumentaries, poetry readings, musical programs and discussion groupswhile students often visit to engage in gallery tours and talks or art makingworkshops. These engagements align with the organizations mission. Thecenter is the organizations administrative hub.
Elegba Folklore societys cultural history tour program offers a menu of immersive learning experiences for groups by reservation along with monthly excursions open to the public during the seasonal months. Groups from a multi-state area reserve personalized programs, and these groups continued to return in 2022, up by 25% from 2021. Couples, small families and friends chose an open-to-the-public excursion available once each month. Participants experiencehistory hidden in plain site by walking to sites of the past and also visiting places of memory from the bus window. Tours can include collaborations with museums, historical sites or neighborhoods and churches whereparticipants can expand their understanding with docents inside. In 2022, diverse groups who chose this experience for the first time told us that they came to understand the impact of untold history on the present.