Program areas at Elevate
Stabilization facilities - residential program focused on assisting Washington county, sheboygan county and dodge county adults experiencing a mental health crisis to increase their stability, reduce their risk for harm and return to independent living using trauma informed 2023, we provided 52 residents of Washington county with 2,161 bed days at calm harbor west bend. Provided 56 residents of sheboygan county with 2,765 bed days at calm harbor sheboygan.
Support services - assisting Washington county and sheboygan county residents living with a chronic mental illness to live as independently as possible, reduce their need for hospitalizations and contact with law enforcement by managing medications, development of daily living skills and facilitating access to other supportive services.we provided approximately 35 residents of sheboygan county with 22,587 total units of service. Provided approximately 33 residents of Washington county with 10,296 units of service. A unit is defined as 8-22 minutes of service provided with or on behalf of the client and designed to support the individual in achieving their treatment goals.beaver dam calm harbor opened at the end of 2023. They served 2 clients for a total of 14 bed days.
Diversion programs - programming to assist adults involved in the criminal justice system effectively address their substance use disorder that led to their involvement in the justice system with a goal of entering into long-term recovery and reducing recidivism rates. Services include regular drug testing, case management, accessing resources including treatment, access to health care and housing and 2023, Elevate served 118 residents of Washington county through adult diversion programming, providing 4,575 units of service. A unit of service may include providing an individual with a screening or assessment, a one-on-one meeting with a case manager, or conducting a drug test to ensure the individual is maintaining sobriety. Also, in 2023, Elevate's intoxicated driver program (idp) completed 505 assessments for residents of Washington county who were convicted of operating a vehicle under the influence.
Outreach - programming to reduce youths' risk of engaging in high-risk behaviors that may lead to addiction or mental illness. In 2023, Elevate provided outreach and support to 126 youth demonstrating high-risk behaviors related to youth substance use in Washington and waukesha county through evidence-based strategies, such as psychoeducation and motivational interviewing. The organization also provided evidence-based programming to 55 middle school aged youth displaying early signs of anxiety and depression in Washington county. The programming focused on providing youth with an increased sense of support and connection in their school while also teaching healthy coping skills, so students are less likely to turn to alcohol and other drugs when experiencing emotional distress. Community prevention - programming to prevent or delay the initiation of alcohol, tobacco and other drugs by youth as long as possible to reduce their risk of addiction. In 2023, Elevate provided evidence-based prevention education to 2,827 middle school aged youth in Washington and waukesha county. The organization also trained 432 high school students to provide support and education to other youth who may be experiencing substance use or mental health challenges in Washington, waukesha, and sheboygan county.