Program areas at Elster Agape Charities
Elster Agape Charities (eac) has a number of charitable programs under the umbrella eac and operates the following charitable programs.agape home school support services:it will provide support to families who choose christian education for their minor children and have decided to home school their children. Each child will receive an individually guided learning opportunity plan (iglo) set up between the parents, child, and ahsss staff to cover a school year. These plans are to be evaluated in november, february, and may between the parents, student, and ahsss staff to determine whether the programing is best serving the student. Ahsss plans to support parents of home school students by offering a 2 to 5 day support environment where students can work on their parent assigned school work to meet their iglo goals with the help of an elementary and secondary certified teacher present to assist them.agape dance academy:will offer dance classes/lessons, programs, and performances using trained dance instructors. The program may offer classes to preschoolers through adults. The goal, along with learning dance moves/skills, is to put dance together with praise and worship within church facilities and services. The students will learn to use dance moves to christian music and scripture and the dance is centered around praise and worship in a christian environment. Agape seniors:agape seniors will be a senior citizen program offered in local church settings. It will include a small number of seniors along with staff and volunteers. The purpose is to support families who are trying to keep their elderly loved ones at home, but need some day time support in order to do so. The program will include safe exercises, nutrition, family support services, stimulating programming, singing, games, current events, guest speakers, and similar activities. This christian programing will also include daily scripture reading and bible study. Agape adoption:agape adoption reaches out to orphan girls from estonia, lithuania, and latvia who are in the age range of 5-10 and their siblings. This is not an adoption agency, but rather helps adoptive parents adopt through private adoption or existing adoption agencies that the individual countries already recognize as acceptable. English camps will be offered in the summer to bring the girls to america to teach them english in a christian environment. Each summer it will be the goal to bring girls to these camps to experience a christian camp that teaches english, along with helping the girls find permanent loving christian parents. The program starts with helping girls to prevent the sex trafficking of teenage girls when they leave the orphanages at 16-18 years old.agape peacemakers:agape peacemakers will encourage the use of biblical peacemaking skills to resolve conflict within christian churches - as well as resolve conflict involving member of christian churches with persons they know outside of their church. The organization's goal is to create a model or utilize a current model, and encourage more churches to teach their members the importance of resolving conflict sooner rather than later, or sooner rather than not at all. This will be accomplished by speaking at church services about the program and by offering sunday school classes on biblical peacemaking skills. It will also offer more in-depth training for persons who want to be trained as biblical peacemakers facilitators to facilitate peacemaking in conflict situations.during 2017, the organization purchased land in excelsior, Minnesota which will be the future site that will be used to further the organization's various programs. Elster Agape Charities continued its support in the Agape adoption program which placed three sisters from latvia with a host family for nine weeks in 2015. The organization supported these young ladies by providing emotional support, sending basic necessities to them such as clothing, and christmas gifts to the orphans.