Program areas at Emergency Nurses Association
Education- ena university expanded ena's robust educational portfolio with the introduction of new courses and resources, as well as updates to key education products, including:- five new courses added to complete the novice & competent pathways; Emergency nurse residency program; learning studio pediatric skills course; new scope & standards, 3rd edition; new ed nurse leadership pathway with 11 courses; new procedural sedation & analgesia course for advanced practice Nurses; new cen online review 3.0 course; new cen manual; enpc, 6th edition, course and provider manual.- ena and aonl partnered to release an updated workplace violence prevention toolkit.- ena released its new triage curriculum program to support an ed nurse'Nurses's ability to assess patients accurately.- ena researchers released or collaborated on 10 studies in seven different publications: development of nurse-sensitive, Emergency department specific quality indicators using a modified delphi technique; role and training of Emergency department charge Nurses: a mixed methods analysis of processes, needs, and expectations; current practice and practice competencies of cnss working in us Emergency care settings: a survey study; the impact of cultural embeddedness on the implementation of an artificial intelligence program at triage: a qualitative study; Nurses are every bit of the flow: Emergency department Nurses' conceptualization of patient flow management; building nursing back: reframing and reclaiming nursing values; how safe staffing can improve Emergency nursing: time to cut the gordian knot; understanding research: the importance of research mentors; and a problem well-named is a problem half-solved: usefulness of nursing diagnosis as a way to teach Emergency nursing.- ena, acep and aap released a joint statement recommending improvements for the safety of care for children in the Emergency department.- ena is continually striving to create and foster a culture and climate of mutual respect, inclusivity and equity that empowers the Association's members, volunteers, and staff to create healthy environments within the organization and within the nursing community. Ena's dei committee and a staff level team are shaping the Association's vision in these important areas to improve Emergency nursing, build relationships with key partners and driving change. The following were key dei initiatives from 2022: -in partnership with nonprofit hr, conducted in-depth member and staff surveys. -announced first Emergency nursing diverse voices research (endvr) fellows as part of new program designed to create funding and mentorship for new researchers from underrepresented groups.-developed Emergency nursing 2022 dei session and experience.-continued updates to dei webpage with resources.-as part of recognition months, used social media to share information and resources for followers to learn more about different cultures.
Membership- ena's membership remained consistent with nearly 50,000 members. Efforts to recruit new members and retain existing members proved successful.- several hundred student Nurses became ena members as part of ena's recruiting efforts at the annual national student Nurses Association convention.- to further enhance benefit offerings to ena members, ena advantage debuted as the Association's new member savings program offering discounts on everyday items and expenses.
Conference- more than 3,700 Emergency Nurses attended Emergency nursing 2022 in denver, with several hundred more accessing the event through the digital access option. The event featured dozens of education sessions and peer networking engagement. Digital access also made education session content available to attendees for several months after the event.
- ena's government relations staff worked with congress and administration officials, as well as state ena leaders, on several key pieces of legislation:- dr. lorna breen health care provider protection act was enacted into law. This ena-priority legislation provides a framework for the development and dissemination of best practices to prevent suicide and burnout among health care professionals. It also provides opportunities for direct support services and awareness campaigns to reduce stigma.- congress approves first-time funding of $2 million for mission zero trauma support program. The mission zero program allows military trauma teams to embed at civilian trauma centers to share their skills while keeping their skills sharp.- ena submits comments to osha supporting the development of a national standard to protect Emergency Nurses from covid-19.- ena-supported bipartisan safer communities act is enacted to take steps to reduce the impact of gun violence in communities across the country. - house passes ena-supported improving trauma systems and Emergency care act which reauthorizes several existing trauma support programs and makes important changes to enhance coordination between trauma centers and ems providers during emergencies.- ena donated $25,000 in february to the international red cross to support its efforts in ukraine.- ena received the 2022 mpl Association humanitarian award of excellence for the efforts of Emergency Nurses during the pandemic.