Program areas at ESOP
Conferences, webinars, and roundtables: over 9000 persons, mostly employees of Association members, attended four national conferences, over 70 local, state, and regioinal roundtables, seminars, and conferences in 2022. These gatherings focused primarily on management and leadership learning to improve corporate members' ownership culture that research and data indicates leads to more productive and profitable employee owned companies. Secondarily, The education focused on The many laws and regulations, judicial rulings that must be complied with by corporations sponsoring an employee stock ownership plan.
Government relations: in accord with its (c)(6) status, The Association provides representation services to its members, or lobbying services, by interacting with its members to express their positions on legislation and regulations that impact, or may impact ESOP operations and creation, and by interacting with offices of congress, certain regulatory agencies, primarily The irs and department of labor, and on occasion by filing amicus briefs in significant lawsuits that may impact ESOP operation and creation.
Membership: approximately 3,000 members are provided information about developments with regard to federal government legislative, regulatory, and judicial activities directly impacting The operation and creation of esops by u.s. Corporations, via written materials, social media, and website postings. The Association staff provides presentations to The many conferences and meetings noted in 4a above. The Association sells written materials, and electronic materials on The operation of esops in a manner that improves corporate performance, and complies with law and regulations. A membership directory is provided that includesprofessionals who provide unique services to corporations sponsoring esops, a listing of corporate members, by state, and by line of business.
Providing technical assistance to members and The public: publications, seminars, and education on ESOP company management.