Program areas at EEF
Donations to the Nine (9) elementary schools within EUSD plus the additional chapters of Special Education (SPED) and Farm Labs continue to provide and further educational programs such as Technology, Art, Science, Garden Science and Nutrition, Music, PE, Reading & Math Intervention, Spanish, and other areas deemed needed by the chapters. In addition, these donations provide the resources needed to support programs such as Playground Partners, Fit Kids, SOAR/Buddy Benches, Curriculum Enhancement Materials, Science Lab Equipment and Supplies, Art Studio Supplies and Curriculum, Garden Science Nutrition Kitchen Supplies and Equipment, and many other Teacher/Classroom needs as requested. Each school site/chapter creates fundraising events to support the needs of its site/chapter. The Fall Pledge Drive/Annual Give Campaign, Spring Galas/Auction/Parent Night Outs, Carnivals/Festivals, Pancake Breakfasts, Bowl/Cheer/Jog/Jump/Read a Thons, etc are examples of events at each school site used to raise donations to support the programs at their sites deemed needed per the School Site Council (SSC).
EEF runs a tuition-free after school choir that we pay a small fee to our choir leads and assistants
EEF runs an after school Concert Band Program that is tuition based and instructors are paid
We are the beneficiary of the Wine and Food Festival each year to support our programs