EIN 23-7098748

English Empowerment Center

IRS 501(c) type
Num. employees
Year formed
Most recent tax filings
English Empowerment Center teaches basic English for employment and educational access, offers workforce instruction, and volunteer teacher training. Located in Falls Church, VA.
Also known as...
Literacy Council of Northern Virginia
Total revenues
Total expenses
Total assets
Num. employees

Program areas at English Empowerment Center

EEC offers in-person and online Beginning English classes, Family Learning Programs (FLP), Skills-based classes, and Destination Workforce classes. The classroom-based programs provide instruction in a workplace and life-skills context. FLP curriculum emphasizes the needs of parents with school-aged children, engaging families in activities that help parents develop their English and reinforce what their children are learning in school. Skills-based classes help fill learning gaps by focusing on single areas such as writing or conversation.
Destination Workforce, EEC's workplace program, offers classes in partnership with local businesses and organizations where English Language Learners can learn industry-specific vocabulary skills, workplace soft-skills, and earn credentials to help them advance in their careers.
EEC Volunteers play a central role in service delivery. EEC provides instructor training 3 times a year with academic rigor that ensures all teachers, class aides, and supplemental tutors are qualified in today's best practices for adult learning and second language acquisition in its instruction.

Who funds English Empowerment Center

Grants from foundations and other nonprofits
Adele M Thomas Charitable FoundationGeneral Purposes$35,000
Fidelity Investments Charitable Gift FundFor Grant Recipient's Exempt Purposes$34,905
Pricewaterhousecoopers Charitable Foundation (PCCF)Education$32,500
...and 18 more grants received totalling $245,647

Personnel at English Empowerment Center

Roopal Mehta SaranExecutive Director$139,400
Michael MahrerSenior Director of Advancement
Sahra NadiirFinancial and Operations Manager
Lisa VaughnSenior Manager of Community and Donor Relations
Jenny LizerDevelopment Manager
...and 13 more key personnel

Financials for English Empowerment Center

RevenuesFYE 06/2024
Total grants, contributions, etc.$2,434,745
Program services$177,236
Investment income and dividends$33,182
Tax-exempt bond proceeds$0
Royalty revenue$0
Net rental income$0
Net gain from sale of non-inventory assets$20,570
Net income from fundraising events$0
Net income from gaming activities$0
Net income from sales of inventory$0
Miscellaneous revenues$0
Total revenues$2,665,733

Form 990s for English Empowerment Center

Fiscal year endingDate received by IRSFormPDF link
2024-062024-11-15990View PDF
2023-062023-12-05990View PDF
2022-062022-11-14990View PDF
2021-062021-11-13990View PDF
2020-062021-04-02990View PDF
...and 10 more Form 990s
Data update history
January 5, 2025
Used new vendors
Identified 1 new vendor, including
January 3, 2025
Received grants
Identified 1 new grant, including a grant for $1,000 from Aron Family Foundation
November 24, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 3 new personnel
November 2, 2024
Updated personnel
Identified 6 new personnel
September 21, 2024
Received grants
Identified 3 new grant, including a grant for $32,500 from Pricewaterhousecoopers Charitable Foundation (PCCF)
Nonprofit Types
SchoolsAdult education providersCharities
Fundraising eventsState / local levelReceives government fundingCommunity engagement / volunteeringProvides scholarshipsTax deductible donationsAccepts online donations
General information
2855 Annandale Rd
Falls Church, VA 22042
Metro area
Washington-Arlington-Alexandria, DC-VA-MD-WV
Fairfax County, VA
Website URL
(703) 237-0866
IRS details
Fiscal year end
Taxreturn type
Form 990
Year formed
Eligible to receive tax-deductible contributions (Pub 78)
NTEE code, primary
B60: Adult, Continuing Education
NAICS code, primary
6116: Other Schools and Instruction
Parent/child status
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