Program areas at ECOS
E-Enterprise for the Environment is a joint effort between the state environmental agencies, tribes, and EPA to modernize the business of environmental protection. E-Enterprise is working to achieve this by streamlining and modernizing the implementation of our environmental programs, enhancing service to the regulated community and the public, and operating as a model of joint governance. E-Enterprise builds on and continues the work of the Exchange Network as the ability to move and share environmental data efficiently is essential to modernizing environmental protection and enhancing service to stakeholders.
Membership Services: Provide resources to members to allow them to better accomplish their goals as agencies and organizations, including but not limited to weekly newsletters, ongoing issue-oriented working groups, monthly member calls, individual outreach to members, and discussion of various rules and regulations with the U.S. EPA.
Omnibus: The Omnibus Program consists of numerous small projects funded by U.S. EPA through a cooperative agreement. Current Omnibus projects include sustainable materials management, toxics and TSCA activities, state pilots of the Combined Air Emissions Report, and coordination between states and the Office of Research and Development.
Other programs include ECOS Meeting, Fedreal Facilities Forum, Oil Gas Caucus, and Public Health and the Environment.