Program areas at Environmental Integrity Project
Oil & gas: eip advocates for the cleanup of petrochemical plants, improved monitoring of plants and hydraulic fracturing sites, and the creation and implementation of regulations to protect nearby communities affected by these operations. Eip takes part in rulemaking, permitting, and enforcement actions to ensure reduction of harmful pollutants and greenhouse gas emissions. Eip also provides the public with timely information about major sources of pollution that contribute to climate change or threaten air and water quality through oil & gas watch news and high quality reports and newsletters. Through its dynamic online platform, oil & gas watch, eip has established and continues to expand a national inventory of petrochemical projects, which alerts communities to new permit applications and helps identify projects that disproportionately affect already overburdened communities.
Coal: eip works to reduce pollution from coal-fired power plants through regulation, permit review, and community enforcement. Eip aims to expedite retirement of the dirtiest and least efficient plants. The program evaluates and publishes analyses of emissions of hazardous pollutants and greenhouse gases, wastewater discharges, and groundwater contamination related to the operation of coal plants and legacy facilities; takes part in rulemakings, permit proceedings, and enforcement to ensure that new or modified coal plants meet the requirements of the clean air and clean water acts; works with federal and state agencies to improve monitoring and cleanup of coal plants; tracks and publishes information about contamination from coal ash ponds and landfills across the us.
Center for applied Environmental science: caes seeks to advance Environmental justice by ensuring that communities and Environmental advocates have access to high-quality science and engineering expertise. By providing this access, which is a critical element in permitting and siting decisions, legal challenges, and rulemaking efforts, we support disproportionately impacted communities as they seek more power to influence Environmental decisions that affect their health and quality of life.
Maryland healthy communities campaign: the program uses research, public advocacy, grassroots organizing, media outreach, and legal action to reduce pollution that threatens the health of Maryland residents. Project goals including holding government agencies accountable for failure to implement Environmental laws or meet deadlines; helping communities engage in decisionmaking and take action to challenge sources of pollution; and building support for Environmental laws and their enforcement.
Clean water act: this program identifies threats to public health or natural resources that arise from epa or state failure to enforce the clean water and safe drinking water acts. Eip evaluates federal and state responses, communicates findings, and makes policy recommendations.
Bay enforcement. This program is dedicated to reducing water pollution from municipalities and industrial wastewater sources to ensure that these discharges meet the goals of the chesapeake bay tmdl and state and federal laws designed to protect water quality
Bioenergy: the program conducts and publishes research related to the Environmental harms from the bioenergy sector and engages in advocacy to require regulation and appropriate permitting of biofuels facilities.
Epa watch: through application of multi-disciplinary tools that include research, reporting, media outreach, advocacy, and litigation, eip promotes and defends the u.s. Environmental protection agency mission to protect public health and our natural resources and its responsibilities to respect all legal requirements, rely on scientific and other factual evidence, and act through a transparent process that gives all people a fair chance to be heard.
Landfill methane: eip works to improve state and federal regulatory standards that control methane emissions from landfills; reduce landfill emissions through permitting and enforcement actions; gather information and deepen relationships with communities through fence-line monitoring near landfills; and curb incinerator pollution using regulatory advocacy, research, and permitting strategies.
Aluminum: eip applies a mix of multi-disciplinary tools as part of its work to clean up climate, air, and water emissions from the aluminum industry. These include enforcement actions and advocacy and legal action to create more protective Environmental and pollution control standards
Steel: eip applies multidisciplinary tools, including advocacy for more stringent regulatory standards, enforcement actions, monitoring, and participation in permitting processes, to reduce climate, air, and water emissions from steel plants.
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