Program areas at Environmental Leadership Program
Ray Program - the roger arliner young ("ray") fellowship Program is designed for recent college gradutates and to increase the number of people of color working in conservation, climate change, energy efficiency and clean energy through a paid two-year fellowship. In addition to the support provided to ray fellows, elp invests in the supervisors of ray fellows through multi-day trainings and monthly 1:1 coaching. During the year ended december 31, 2022, 19 new ray fellows were selected and placed within the partner organizations for a two-year fellowship while 21 new ray fellows from the previous year continued their fellowship for a total of 40 ray fellows in 2022.
Doris duke conservation scholarship alumni Program - in 2022 and 2021, elp managed the alumni Program of the doris duke conservation scholars Program ("ddcsp"). Working in partnership with the doris duke chartiable foundation and the 4 partner universities running ddcsp programs; univeristy of California santa cruz, the university of Washington, the university of Florida and the university of Michigan, elp created online content, a mentorship Program and online Leadership trainings to build and support a thriving network of emerging under-represented conservation professionals.
Regional and national training programs - for the years ended december 31, 2022 and 2021, elp selected 20 and 121 individuals, respectively, to participate in the eight core training fellowship programs which included seven regional network cohorts and a national fellowship cohort. The core fellowship programs offer intensive Leadership and skill trainings as well as personal and professional reflection. Through retrats and options, additional trainings and gatherings, the curriculum helps emerging leaders hone their Leadership styles, improve their strategy and organizational development, and strengthen their abiltiy to engage in diverse constituencies.
General programs - includes general Program work and support to regional and national fellows. The general Program activities provide additional support to elp's regional and national fellows as well as its senior fellowship community (graduates of the Program).
Great lakes Program - the great lakes regional network provides intensive leadserhip and skill training, networking opportunities and time for personal reflection to leaders living and/or working in il, in, mi, mn, ny, oh, and pa. Through retreats and optional additional trainings, elp's curriculum helps emerging leaders hone their Leadership styles, improve their strategy and organizational development and strengthen their abilities to work with diverse constituencies.