Program areas at Envision Blind Sports
Provided a week-long summer Sports camp for school-aged children who are Blind or visually impaired at penn state behrend, pa. Provided necessary training for 50 participants. Taught 25 different Sports, promote independence, advocacy, friendship, leadership for 76 athletes. 47 full-time volunteers and 100+ part-time volunteers.
Provided one day events to school aged children who are Blind or visually impaired. Events included:homes group educational training - gc intermediate unit iv (high school)objective: educate and advocate students who are Blind, teachers of the visually impaired, orientation and mobility instructors, ape teachers and supervisors. 25 participants.envision triathlon - slippery rock university, paobjective: one day clinic of the 3 skills of a triathlon. 16 participants and 32 volunteers. (continuted on sch o)multi day goalball clinic - slippery rock university, paobjective: to work with paralympic coaches and athletes to teach and promote goalball. 16 participants, 16 volunteers, and 8 group educational training - gc intermediate unit iv (elementary)objective: educate and advocate to students who are Blind, teachers of the visually impaired, orientation and mobility instructors, ape teachers and supervisors. 13 students and 24 participants. Move united adaptive Sports conference - louisville, kyobjective: gain knowledge on non-profit strategies and effective practices for success. 4 participants.paddleboarding clinic - moraine state park, paobjective: to offer opportunity to paddle board to individuals who are bvi. 17 participants and 13 volunteers.eye see you foundation - greensburg, paobjective: educate and advocate for Blind sports/physical activity. 50 participants.ryla - educational training - westminster college, paobjective: promote understanding and awareness of Blind Sports, community programming and advocacy to high school students attending a leadership conference. 180 participants.goalball clinic - kentuckyobjective: train athletes to be prepared for participate in a national goalball tournament. 6 athletes and 3 volunteers.youth adaptive Sports & rec expo - pittsburgh, paobjective: promote understanding and awareness of Blind Sports and equipment. 40 participants.
Provided outdoor activities to individuals who are Blind or visually impaired. Activities included: down hill skiing, snowshoeing, tubing, kayaking, paddle boarding, rollerskating and golfing:ski guide training - peek n' peak, nyobjective: to ensure that our guides are properly trained and confident in guiding Blind skiers. 17 day #1 - peek n' peak, nyobjective: providing outdoor adventure and downhill ski opportunities for individuals who are Blind or visually impaired (bvi). 20 participants and 15 volunteers (continued on sch o)ski day #2 - peek n' peak, nyobjective: providing outdoor adventure and downhill ski opportunities for bvi individuals. 26 participants and 13 volunteers.multi day ski trip - mt. Snow, vtobjective: providing opportunity to develop downhill ski skills and enjoy multiple days on a larger mountain. 17 participants and 9 day #3 - hidden valley, paobjective: providing outdoor adventure and downhill ski opportunities for bvi individuals. 26 participants and 14 volunteers.4 mile kayak clinic - greenville, paobjective: provide a kayaking experience for individuals who are bvi. 20 participants and 10 volunteers.ebs golf clinic - grove city, paobjective: provide golf training to individuals who are bvi. 13 participants and 17 volunteers.move united ski spectacular - breckenridge, coobjective: learn techniques for guiding Blind athletes and training Blind guides. 2 participants.blind sport consult & awareness training - brashear high school, paobjective: advocacy, awareness and education of Blind Sports for individuals with and without disabilities. 25 of pittsburgh o&m training - pittsburgh, paobjective: teach future professionals the role of physical activity in the lives of Blind students, increase awareness, discuss specialized equipment and adaptations. 12 participants.goalball youth nationals - austin, txobjective: increase awareness of goalball. 5 athletes and 2 coaches.