Program areas at Episcopal Retirement Services
Affordable senior living: all older adults, regardless of income, deserve to live in a safe, comfortable and enriching environment. Across our region and around the country, the need for affordable living for seniors is growing at an alarming pace. For every single senior affordable living apartment available, there are ten individuals waiting for housing and by the year 2030, the 65-year-old population will have doubled. At Episcopal Retirement Services (ers), we are rapidly positioning ourselves to be leaders in the industry to address this emerging national crisis. Affordable senior living by ers is more than a set of apartment buildings. We are in the business of building communities where seniors can thrive physically, emotionally, and socially by providing a wide range of amenities and services.episcopal Retirement Services affordable living, llc (ersal) is an Ohio limited liability company of which ers is the sole member. Ersal provides the development and management Services for the projects owned and/or managed by ersal. These projects provide the housing for seniors, the handicapped and low-income persons through various nonprofit corporations, limited partnerships, and limited liability companies. During 2022 ersal had ownership interest in and/or managed 31 facilities.there were 2,111 individuals that served as affordable living residents in 2022. To keep pace with growth, $400 per resident is projected annually to support ministry Services, and 1 new affordable living communities is planned per year for low-income seniors. More than 3,000 bus trips per year help residents stay connected to the broader community. Every senior deserves a place to feel at home in their Retirement years, no matter what their financial situation. We offer rent-subsidized affordable senior living communities that provide a variety of amenities, options, and Services not often found in communities for seniors with limited incomes.ers's purpose pertaining to affordable housing is to provide safe, comfortable, and enriching community living to deserving older adults regardless of their income levels. We will continue to foster low-income housing, and directly or indirectly own, operate, manage, and develop affordable housing primarily for the elderly. We will also provide necessary guidance, management service, strategic planning, and corporate infrastructure for affordable housing facilities sponsored by ers primarily for the benefit of the elderly, their families, and caregivers. We also engage in activities to support affordable housing communities whether owned or operated, directly or indirectly, by ers including providing financial support through fundraising, financing, or guarantees of financing.
Episcopal Retirement Services development, llc: the Episcopal Retirement Services development llc is an Ohio limited liability company of which ers is the sole member.