Program areas at Equal Access International
Cote d'Ivoire Programs: Resilience for Peace (R4P) -CI07In 2023, the USAID-funded Resilience for Peace project strengthened local governance, started our GBV (Gender-Based Violence) component delivering workshops and activities which contribute to improving services for GBV survivors, published, and presented eight research reports, and continued working alongside its 13 local radio partners to produce media content to reduce the spread of misinformation and build community resilience.IOM Partnership -CI08In 2023, EAI worked with the IOM to strengthen trust in government services in northern Cte d'Ivoire, and to strengthen the capacities of administrative authorities in the delivery of identity and transport document via an expanded One-Stop Mobile Clinic with over 6,500 documents and services distributed across all R4P regions.Innovative Collaboration for Enhancing Civil Military Engagement in Northern Cte d'Ivoire (ICE) - CI09In 2023, EAI worked with the Dutch-funded ICE project to expand work with the CCMs (Civil-Military Committees / Cellules Civilo-Militaires) in northern Cte d'Ivoire. Through ICE, the Resilience for Peace team facilitated high-level participation of Security and Defense Forces in program events, fostering positive perceptions of local resilience initiatives.
Nigeria Programs:Securing Nigerian Communities (SNC) NG21In 2023, the SNC project strengthened and expanded the Early Warning Early Response (EWER) mechanisms established in previous years of the project by adding new members to the Civilian Security Platforms and Community Accountability Forums, and training new and existing members on peacebuilding, civilian security, advocacy, and mediation efforts. We also connected these groups with local resource organizations that will continue to support these groups beyond the project funding. The Local Action Plans drafted in previous years were validated in each community, garnering community and local government support and buy-in.Strengthening Media Support for Community Accountability Measures, Phase 3 (SMS4CAM 3) NG22In 2023, the SMS4CAM 3 project produced and broadcast episodes 27-52 of both drama series Dadin Kowa and Kwana Casa'in in partnership with Network Arewa24 Ltd aimed at strengthening demand for and galvanizing behavior change toward transparent and accountable governance in Nigeria. The endline evaluation of the project was completed in partnership with Real-Time Interactive World-Wide Intelligence (RIWI) to measure behavior change around reporting corruption as a result of watching the two aforementioned TV dramas.Strengthening Media Support for Community Accountability Measures, Phase 3 (SMS4CAM 4) NG23EAI is a subawardee to Network AREWA24, Ltd. on this iteration of the SMS4CAM project. In this role, in 2023, EAI supports the AREWA24 team with report writing, drafting stories of change, and providing capacity building around financial reporting and budget and grant management.
Kenya and Somalia Programs:Nabadaynta Soomaaliya SO03An extension of SO-01 & SO02, Nabadaynta Soomaaliya took up where Nabadgelinta dropped off. Now managed by International Office of Migration (IOM), during this period Nabadaynta completed the Area-Based Problems, a participatory process led by EAI where community members identify challenges in accessing equitable justice. The team also broadcasted a radio drama on security and justice issues. Nabadgelinta Program-SO01 & SO02The team in Kenya and Somalia completed the validation of research products with community in both Baidoa and Kismayo, designed the implementation plan for phase 1 (2023-2025), and conducted community consultations on SBC (Social and Behaviour Change), norms and trauma healing needs and approaches. In July of 2023, UNOPS ceased to be the fund manager for this project.UNICEF SBCC Phase I KE08In 2023, EAI partnered with UNICEF on this project and aired 20 episodes of the radio program Xaldoon (Search for Truth) comprised of a dilemma, vox pops, feature story, and interview segments that interacted with over 110 people on topics of climate change and health WASH habits. There were 180 Listening, Discussion, and Action Groups held across Garissa, Wajir, and Mandera counties.UNICEF SBCC Phase II KE09In 2023, on Phase II of this project with UNICEF, EAI aired an additional 18 radio episodes of Xaldoon and 181 individuals (90 parents, 80 youth, and 11 children) were engaged in the Listening, Discussion, and Action groups. Over 500 trees were planted, weekly community awareness forums were held in homes, marketplaces, neighborhoods, schools, and mosques; five town clean-ups were held; and 80% of project beneficiaries reported that the project increased their knowledge of issues related to climate change, including child-centered approaches, WASH, mental health, and positive parenting.CREATE SBCC Tanzania KE07EAI was a subawardee to Mercy Corps on this project implemented in Mtwara, Tanzania aimed at creating communities resilient to violence extremism through social and behavior change driven by media and outreach programs by creating inclusive spaces and public dialogue. In 2023, EAI worked with the communities to cocreate these solutions and identify the themes that would be addressed in the 14 EAI-produced Elimika Wajibika radio episodes and discussed in the corresponding Listening, Discussion, and Action Groups.
Other Programs (Pakistan, Tajikistan , Burkina, Chad, Nepal, and Philippines) Together for Justice (T4J)-AF83In 2023, EAI conducted a survey of 105 individuals and 14 in-depth interviews across six target districts, assessing the BTS radio program's impact on reinforcing T4J curricula among adolescents, their families, and communities. Seven case studies were produced, highlighting the program's positive influence in target provinces. 48 planned repackaged radio episodes (24 in Dari, 24 in Pashto) were successfully produced and broadcast across six target provinces. 48 illustrations were designed for social media, with a total of 2 million people reached via the BTS Facebook page. This content raised national awareness of bacha bazi, extending beyond the target districts. A total of 32 posts (videos and images in both Dari and Pashto) were created, with 16 radio episodes uploaded to YouTube and 26 posts shared on Instagram to promote child protection and end bacha bazi.Sahel Collaboration and Communication (Burkina Faso and Niger) -SH06SCC (Sahel Collaboration and Communication) continued to promote USAID's resilience story and brand in FY23 through media events, workshops, social media, radio, print, video, and other strategic communications. In particular, SCC shared radio products and podcast episodes through the Sahel Resilience podcast on Spotify. In 2023, communications efforts highlighted collaboration among USAID (United States Agency of International Development) partners and USAID successes by sector with the aim of increased knowledge and recognition of USAID's technical leadership and enhanced communication of programming and results. Chad Civil Society Strengthening Activity (CCSSA) - TD07In 2023, EAI held a live televised program focusing on: the role of young people in the consolidation of peace and living together in Chad under the Transitional Military Council (TMC); the role of young people in promoting and maintaining peace during and after the transition period; and the role of youth in an inclusive national dialogue.PROTECT-NP34:13 episodes of MSMK produced and broadcasted focused on the role of youth in ending impunity for perpetrators of human trafficking, personal safety for youth in online and offline spaces, the consequences of traveling illegally for foreign employment, and the risks associated with taking an illegal route. 101 social media content pieces published including 57 multimedia posts, 13 weekly Facebook Live chat shows, 13 radio episodes uploaded, 25 MSMK radio episode promotional clips disseminated, and 6 activity posts (program production meeting, refresher training, CAR outreach activities, etc.).Fostering Religious Tolerance for Peace (FRTP) AF88 In 2023, the Fostering Religious Tolerance Program (FRTP) made significant strides in Pakistan and Tajikistan, promoting religious tolerance, human rights, and support for Afghan refugees.EAI conducted a comprehensive study on the barriers and challenges Afghan refugees face, focusing on discrimination and violence based on their beliefs and refugee status in Pakistan and Tajikistan. Nine out of 13 Community Advisory Group (CAG) meetings were held to review program content, ensuring its accuracy and appropriateness. CAG is a crucial component of the project. Scripts for 11 radio dramas and 11 scripts for round tables were developed and approved by CAG, focusing on refugee issues and promoting dialogue on refugee challenges. Seven PSAs were scripted and approved, scheduled for production, and broadcast 140 times. Content for 10 illustrations on rights awareness and 10 Afghan video stories was developed to support the radio component. 11 out of 14 curriculum modules for online training were developed, empowering refugees with vital knowledge on their rights.Change Start at Home NP34 In 2023, "Change Starts at Home" was implemented in 10 wards of Nawalparasi, Nepal and achieved reductions in intimate partner violence (IPV) and improvements in communication, relationship quality, and financial decision-making. Over 10,000 participants were engaged in IPV prevention; 1,168 households declared violence-free homes. Radio broadcasts and social media outreach reached 25,000 listeners and 22,888 monthly engagements. Applied a three-phase diffusion strategy for behavior change across communities. Developed control and intervention groups for clear tracking of behavior diffusion. Proved social networks as key drivers of sustainable, cost-effective behavior change. Collected dual-source social network data to track norms and behavior spread. Identified connections between social norms, geographic clustering, and violence dynamics. Demonstrated marital trust and communication as IPV prevention factors. Disseminated findings globally through conferences, journals, and local engagements. Couples in local discussion groups (LDAGs) saw a 39% reduction in IPV. Improved gender norms with significant positive changes. Noted improved outcomes in financial decision-making, relationship quality, and reduced in-law violence. Positive changes in IPV and gender norms spread to surrounding communities. Integrated programs with local government structures, securing funding and inclusion in workplans. Established Local Project Advisory Committees (LPAC) for sustained violence prevention. Engaged local leaders in discussions on patriarchy and violence prevention.Formed 10 Violence Free Community (VFC) Committees to maintain prevention efforts. Developed sustainability plans for VFCs to be autonomous and access local prevention fundingCommunities and Schools Leading in the Fight Against Terrorism ( CS- LIFT) PH02 In 2023 the project was acknowledged by the Vice President of the Philippines for the CS-LIFT project's effectiveness in countering extremism. Successfully integrated the CS-LIFT Toolkit into Grade 10 Values Education; adaptations for Grades 7-9 reported by teachers. The revised K-10 curriculum now includes peace education and competencies across subjects. Completed data collection for the in-school intervention and conducted Post-Test and Post-Survey for 14 pilot classes, successfully collecting data despite logistical challenges. Engaged 227 members in Listening and Discussion Action Groups (LDAG) and launched the #OURmindaNOW messaging hub to promote social change and peace education initiatives. Trained young leaders through the Peace Promotion Fellowship and Tech Camp, positively influencing their communities and engaging 1,221 at-risk youth. Renewed registration as a publisher, releasing CS-LIFT knowledge products. Launched the OURmindaNOW radio program, achieving over 31,000 views and producing 112 radio episodes across 10 stations. Sustained engagement in the Mindanao Virtual Protection Coordination Platform, supporting humanitarian actions. Participated in strategic communications workshops with UNODC. Participated in the "Peace is Coming Home" online peace conference, sharing experiences across regions. Coordinated support for the Philippine KOICA Fellows Association anniversary. Collected, sorted, and cleaned post-LDAG survey data from 14 communities, with results expected by October 2023. Compiled significant change stories from peace project teams for the Peace Promotion Fellowship report. Developed and disseminated 239 IEC materials and created 12 social media campaigns to enhance outreach and awareness.