Program areas at Equinox
Outpatient treatment- outpatient treatment services within Equinox include an article 31 omh clinic, a personalized recovery oriented services (pros) prevention program and a health care grant program. This is a continuum of care for individuals with mental illness that provide person centered and trauma informed services. During 2022 approximately 392 individuals were provided services including individual or group therapy, medication management, healing and wellness counseling and limited case management.
Domestic violence - Equinox's domestic violence services include a domestic violence shelter and domestic violence outreach services. The domestic violence shelter is a 30 bed shelter open to all victims and their dependent children, regardless of gender, age, ethnicity or sexual orientation. The shelter and outreach services provides safety, support, assistance and tools victims need to escape abusive situations and take control of their lives. During 2022, 2,288 people were served.
Residential services- the adult residential program with Equinox Inc. Consists of three community residences and one apartment program. These programs provide 24/7 on site staffing coverage and serves adults (18 and older) with mental illness. Staff teach skills to residents and assist them with support services toward a goal of more independent community living. In 2022, 82 clients were served.
Case management - Equinox provides care management under the department of health model of health homes. Under this model, Equinox provides comprehensive communication between an individual's service providers in order to ensure that they stay healthy, out of the emergency room and hospitals.
Rehabilitaton programs - Equinox's rehabilitation programs assist clients with learning job skills, obtaining employment, providing informational group and speakers, community recreational activities, nutritional education and opportunities to make friends and create support networks. These services were provided under our great finds and family programs, which provided services to 114 people.
Counseling center - the counseling center provides substance abuse counseling to individuals, groups and families with many specialized options. The program utilizes a multi-disciplinary approach which recognizes that many clients have co-occurring mental health issues. We complement this approach with programs such as narcotics anonymous and alcoholics anonymous. This approach helps individuals and their families move forward on their paths to recovery and healing. During 2022 the counseling center assisted 134 individuals on this path.
Youth services- Equinox has a youth transitional housing program and a youth outreach center that serve youth within albany. The transitional housing program provides stable apartment settings for youth for a maximum of 18 months providing time and service to complete educational goals, secure employment and learn the skills needed to transition to their own apartments in the community. Equinox's youth outreach center is designed to help homeless or "on the street" youth by offering meals, safe-sex education and supplies, and other meaningful and fun after-school and evening programs. In 2022, 51 youths were served.