Program areas at Esther Residence
2023 was a challenging year dealing with a financial scam and a roof corner blown open. We bought the house and a car and Covid made a short presence. On the bright side, 3 grants were renewed and new ones received, our volunteers increased, and presenters led groups on art, yoga, savings/budgeting and ecology. Also, 3 local churches had funding events for us. 19 women were residents in 2023 with an average stay of 3.5 months. Everyone has a diagnosis of SUD, MH & PTSD. Of these 6 were here 6 months (4 another 6 mo. in 2022) and 8 had less than 30 days making poor decisions. We revised our program to include more time in AA/NA meetings and Recovery workshops. Those who relapsed were guided to revise their goals. We provided daily case management to access medical, mental health, dental additional interest, education, and subsidized housing. A Family Coach continues to help them reconnect with family/children. We continue to seek grants to help provide needs: clothing, dental, education, new activities and new interests. This year, many former residents reached out to us for food, clothing, help with securing housing, driving them to enter detox and long-term programs. They are always welcome to drop in and they see us as family that is there for them. Donated professional fees was $180,000 from 3 Nuns. Long term plan is in place for 2 Sisters to retire in 2024 and a 3rd later. Donated volunteer hours $6,644, gifts in-kind $2,993, fund raising $99,053. We have very active board members on various committees.