Program areas at Aid Sudan
RADIO PROGRAM: Every Village (EV) continued daily radio broadcasting in 5 ministry regions covering a total population of over 3 million people. EV distributed another 10,000 solar radios fixed-tuned to our frequencies, bringing all-time total radios distributed to 165,000. This means that 54% of people within our broadcast regions have access to the gospel daily through an Every Village radio. Wherever radios are distributed, they are sold to the South Sudanese for a small price to increase local ownership and involve the South Sudanese church in partnership. EV always holds back some radios to be given freely to the most vulnerable. From FY2023's shipment, the South Sudanese spent over $12,000 to buy radios.Continued on Schedule O EV also holds annual listener campaigns asking the South Sudanese to make donations to the ongoing operations of their radio stations. With EV's change to a September fiscal year-end, the current nine month fiscal year closed before the December listener campaign was conducted. Through FY2023, the financial partnership with the South Sudanese church remains the same as last year with 48% of daily radio operations covered by local communities.
PEOPLE PROGRAM: Through the People Program, EV seeks to invest deeply in pastoral leadership so pastors can build healthy churches. Toward that end, EV's Tonj Bible Institute continued with four more courses being taught to over 30 pastors as part of a three-year certificate program. Three more pastor conferences were planned for October 2024. EV also continued partnering with the Jesus Film to host showings in local languages alongside community pastors. Outreach teams partnered with 269 local pastors to hold 85 showings of the Jesus Film with 40,284 in attendance, leading to 7,479 committing their lives to Christ and connecting to community pastors for follow-up.
WATER PROGRAM: Every Village continued to grow the Sustainable Water Cooperative (SWC) that was fully launched in 2022 to establish community-based water well maintenance programs. As part of the SWC, 185 new community service agreements were signed in FY2023. These are annual contracts with a community's established water committee. The committee collects households fees and makes payment. Every Village then assigns an Every Village certified pump mechanic to that SWC community to do monthly pump checks. If a water well needs maintenance or repair, the pump mechanics collect spare parts from EV's inventory and travel to the community to oversee the repair. Continued on Schedule O In FY2023, the SWC program managed 312 well repairs for a total cost of $58,131. Total income received from SWC contracts in FY2023 was $19,291, which means that 33% of EV water services were covered by community funding.