Program areas at Everyone Home DC
Family Homelessness Prevention Program-Everyone Home DC provided housing stabilization services to 567 families at imminent risk of homelessness, including 684 adults and 1,044 children. -132 families secured their very own apartments with the help of our Prevention Program staff. -An additional 132 families secured stable long-term housing with family members and friends. -92% of the families in our program were able to avoid a shelter stay.Family and Single Adult Housing Programs:-Permanent Supportive Housing program served 91 households, which included 53 families (64 adults and 120 children) and 38 single adult heads of households.-Family Rapid Rehousing program supported 164 (195 adults & 303 children) families transitioning out of homelessness, with 15% of participants increasing their income from program start to program exit.- 1 family (1 adult and 3 children) received shelter and supportive services in our handicap-accessible, apartment-style shelter units.Advocacy -Everyone Home DC sits on the Steering Committee of The Way Home Campaign, is a member of The Fair Budget Coalition and participates in meetings of the DC Interagency Council on Homelessness.-Executive Director Karen Cunningham is a voting member of the DC Interagency Council on Homelessness.Community Support Projects:-Free tax clinic, led by 2 volunteers, prepared returns for 16 individuals-500 gift cards were distributed to support families with school supplies, thanksgiving meal ingredients, and the gift-giving holiday season.
Drop-In Day Center, Shirley's PlaceProvided 2242 individuals with:-727 loads of laundry-6778 meals-695 showers-568 toiletry kits-1481 emergency food, clothing, transportation, prescription drug, id voucher, and rental assistance services-116 referrals for a wide variety of social, economic, and legal needs-5 chronically homeless individuals moved into housingStreet Outreach-Served 147 individuals through 721 engagements.-7 Street Outreach clients were matched to housing, and 3 people who experienced chronic homelessness moved into housing.