Program areas at Exodus Refugee Immigration
Reception and Placement Program - The R&P Program is the 90-day initial resettlement period for newly arriving refugees. During this time, Exodus assists refugees begin new lives in the U.S. by assisting them with housing, food, and clothing; enrolling children for school and adults in English classes; taking clients to appointments with medical providers and social service agencies; as well as meeting other basic needs that arise. Exodus provides cash assistance to each refugee case to help with initial resettlement expenses. Exodus also provides staff to help identify community resources, develops training materials, and implement sustainable outreach programs for potential volunteer partners.
Matching Grant - Matching grant is a welfare-alternative program funded by the Office of Refugee Resettlement. It is designed to help clients achieve self-sufficiency within the 240-day program period. Matching Grant provides cash assistance to clients while providing a variety of self-sufficiency services, including service plans, job placement, and job upgrades. The agency is responsible for raising a certain amount of cash or in-kind match depending upon the number of clients participating in the program each year.
Refugee Support Services -- RSS is a federally-funded program passed through the state that provides a variety of services to ORR-eligible populations. A main focus of RSS is employment, and through this program we complete service plans for employable clients, as well as provide job placement, job training, and case management services, among other services designed to help clients gain and maintain employment. RSS also partially funds English classes for clients. RSS contains a variety of set-asides that fund services to older refugees; youth mentoring; certain health services; and intakes and case management for eligible non-R&P clients such as secondary migrants, Cuban and Haitian Entrants, asylees, SIVs, and certain humanitarian parolees.
Other Programs.